The email still returns blank with no values . {{}} - Returns the names of the issue's Affected services. If you've already registered, sign in. I have multiple linked issues with different link types ("is cloned by" or "is blocked by" etc.) Note that repository contains additional nested smart values. Checks if the text string starts with the specified text, and returns true or false. role. "sd.public.comment".internal}} -. Can be combined with other date and time smart values. Thanks Bill - that worked. Encodes text to allow it to be included in HTML content. I am using a smart value as {{createdissue.url) which generates a lengthy url in that custom field.{7faf7dee-a29b-4faa-bbc2-d7128a6d3278}/{315a3ecb-1f18-4953-98ae-5890f93073b5}/addon/pipelines/home#!/results/7, {{build.state}} returns the state of the build. {{issue.key}} - Returns the issue's key, which is a unique identifier comprised of the project key and the issue's number. {{issue. You could then use this to count the number of issues returned. Note that this will return an encoded URL; everything after will look different from what you see here. Otherwise, register and sign in. What are rule details in Atlassian Automation? {{}} returns the name of the feature flag. Understand the general concepts and best practices of automation in Atlassian Cloud products. {{}}Returns the new raw value, e.g. Join now to unlock these features and more. build#123, {{build.url}} returns the absolute URL of the build, e.g. Understand the general concepts and best practices of automation in Atlassian Cloud products. {{version.released}} - Returnstrue if the version is released, andfalse if not. {{deployment.environment}} returns my-custom-prod-env, {{deployment.environment.type}} returns production. {{}} - returns the names of the branches, {{createdBranches.url}} - returns the URLs of the branches. my-custom-prod-env, {{environment.type}} returns the environment type. For more information, see:String.endsWith(String). {{issue.comments.reverse.body}} - Returns the issue's comments, in reverse order. Examples of how you can use smart values to set the text value of an issues field, such as Summary or Description. Learn more about services in Jira Service Management. There should be a locked field named either "Request Type" or "Customer Request Type" there. {{pullRequest.createdDate}} returns the time (UTC) when the pull request was created, e.g. Only the options "Trigger Issue" and "Most recently created issue" are available. extract all e-mail addresses from an issue comment). when setting multiple Fix Versions) then you can iterate over these using the{{#changelog.fixVersion}}{{toString}}{{/changelog.fixVersion}}expression. Examples of using smart values with lists. It helped a ton..and I'm happy to report this worked!! If this issue is a sub-task, then parent refers to the parent issue. That will get just the key. When there are multiple fields that have changed, {{fieldChange}}only contains the first changed value. Learn more about using smart values with sections and lists. Can you help me with phrasing hyper link?? In the example below, the issue's first affects version's release date is printed: Accesses the current watchers of an issue. [Custom Field].description}} - Returns the text displayed below the custom field viewed in the Simple Search column. What third-party applications can I integrate with? The closing tag ends the list. Hi@Bill SheboyI try to add a specific URL link to my automation but it doesn't work. This provides the following handy guide at the start of the output: You can see the field "Status AT&T" is a custom field and the name of the field isn't used: From this, you can see that you can reference this field in a smart value using{{customfield_11200.value}}however, you can also substitute customfield_11200 for the field's actual name (which makes it easier to read too){{Status AT&T.value}}. Takes a text field and checks if it is equal to the given string. Check out how we use smart values in our Jira automation template library. Learn more about using smart values with sections and lists. In normal smart values, you would use something like {{issue.key}} but if you use {{triggerIssue.key}} then this pulls through the values from the issue which triggered the rule. Accesses information related to a file attachment on an issue. { {#if ("string")}} returns true or null { {#if (smartValue)}}Hello { {/}} returns Hello or null. I do not have recent experience doing this, and I found two posts that show examples of formatting to get URLs to work. Returns the text before the last occurrence of the given separator. Certainly, and I am glad it worked for you! 4877576. Hi, Trying to make a simple Jira Automation (conditional) rule that (if met) adds a label that contains a smart value of the inward related issueExample. If you're an Automation for Jira app customer on a server product, check out the Automation for Jira documentation for Jira Server. You could use a Lookup Issues action to retrieve the issues that have the "relates to" link to your trigger issue. For more information, see:StringUtils. {{comment.body}} - Returns the body of the comment that triggered the rule. {{commit.shortHash}} returns the truncated SHA1 hash of the commit, e.g. Your smart value must identify a specific attachment for this to work. See all Jira Cloud automation smart values related to date and time. Returns the value of the Jira Service Managements rate custom field. Learn more about user smart values, {{approval.completedDate}} - Returns completion date of approval. This smart value only works for issues that have been added to an epic. {{issue.updated}} - Returns the date the issue was updated. No API or scripting knowledge required. Those will provide context and may explain the symptoms you are observing. {{version.description}} - Returns the version's description. Try this one to produce a bulleted list of the values with the key hyperlinked: You must be a registered user to add a comment. Hi @Bill Sheboy, Apologies for the reply to a closed question, but I'm looking to do a very similar thing but can't seem to replicate your solution. Can be combined with other date and time smart values. For example,Hello & Worldwould be encoded asHello%20%26%20World. {{issue.timetracking.remainingestimate}} - Returns the value in the Time remaining field. Multiple comments on the active issue (this example is explained in detail inhow to use smart values), Components of an issue as a list. A branch represents an independent line of development. It is highly recommended to use theLog actionto help you figure out and debug smart values, seedebugging a rule. Returns the position of the first character in the specified text string. it fails to grab the issue id key. For example, I want to set a rule that relates an issue to issue key ID #35. I want to send a notification with the issues links related to an other issue but I couldnt found the smart value for that. What third-party applications can I integrate with? Can be combined with other date smart values. {{issue.watchers.displayName}} - Returns the watcher's display name. You can access all fields of the parent. Refers to the original issue that triggered the rule; used when you branch the chain. On successful request, you will be able access webhook response data using the following smart values: The worklog entry that has just been logged against an issue. It may contain, for example, branches and tags names.This value is optional and may be an empty list. {{issue.created}} - Returns the issue's creation date. Examples of using smart values with dates. if Syntax { {#if (smartValue)}} returns true or null. For example, you can use the following smart values to send a Slack message that includes the issue key and issue summary: { {issue.key}} { {issue.summary}} Check out how we use smart values in our Jira automation template library. {{createdBranch.repository.url}} - returns the repositorys URL. For example,{{issue.affectedServices.changeApprovers.displayName}} will return their names. {{}} - Returns the version's ID. Learn more about list smart values. Used with the Version created, Version updated, and Version released triggers. You can also surround smart values with the debug function to do the same thing. {{deployment.environment}} returns information related to the deployment environment. It's whenI have multiple linked issues with different link types ("is cloned by" or "is blocked by" etc.) Challenges come and go, but your rewards stay with you. For example,Hello & Worldwould be encoded asHello & World. {{branch.repository}} returns information related to the repository the branch belongs to. You can access the current watchers of an issue. The Epic Link and Parent Link fields in Jira Cloud are being deprecated, which will impact how these smart values are used. I need the label to be added to the issue im in that I did the link in (not the linked issue that triggered it). That may provide some context for the community to offer suggestions. You just need to start typing in the field. {{issue.affectedServices.tier}} - Returns the tiers of the issue's Affected services. awesome commit handles everything, {{commit.url}} returns the absolute URL of the commit, e.g. Used by triggers that involve adding a comment, such as Issue commented, Issue transitioned, or Issue updated. Challenges come and go, but your rewards stay with you. Escapes the smart value into a literal text expression that can be used in a regular expression match usingPattern.quote(). Learn how to use automation in Confluence Cloud, and see what components and variables you can use to build rules. Use case : For each reporter , all the issues he has created without mandatory tags a consolidated email needs to be sent with jira links of all the issues. The issue smart values are used to access information related to the rules active issue, which is the issue the rule is currently acting on. If you've already registered, sign in. I agree there is room for improvement in this dropdown though. For example if a rule has both a Create branch in GitHub action and a Create branch in GitLab action, {{createdBranches}} will return the values of both branches as a list. Exclusive to the Approval completed trigger: {{approval.approver}} - Returns approvers account id. This smart value requires an expensive reload of issue data and should only be used in situations where subsequent actions need to have visibility of the latest state of an issue, e.g. Learn more about date and time smart values. For example, if you are sending an HTML email, you may need to encode an issue's description as HTML. Check out some common DevOps automation rules where you can use these smart values. Returns the position of the last character in the specified text string. Similar to{{issue. Learn more about using smart values with sections and lists. Get answers to your question from experts in the community, Smart value for linked "relates to" inwardIssue in Jira Automation rule. Used with the Related issues condition. Note that this will return an encoded URL; everything after will look different from what you see here. {{}} returns the name of the branch, e.g. Keep earning points to reach the top of the leaderboard. For more information, see:StringUtils.isNumeric(). {{issue.fixVersions.released}} - Returnstrue if the fix version is released, andfalseif not. {{}} - Returns the security level name. Any chance your able to explain the syntax to me; that doesn't look like anything I've seen in the help documentation (& definitely different from what they used in a Jira webinar I just watched). For more information, see:StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(). Learn more about user smart values. Most smart values are case-sensitive, so please try this one instead: Returns true if the strings are equal. Removes any whitespace at the beginning or end of the value. {{issue.fixVersions.releaseDate}} - Returns the fix version's release date. Used to access the values in an issue'sFix Versionsfield. Learn more about using smart values with sections and lists. Check out how we use smart values in our Jira automation template library. Share the love by gifting kudos to your peers. For more information, see:StringUtils. So this rule works as is if I only have one linked story (like above). What are rule details in Atlassian Automation? This example returns the new value of an issue'sSummary field after it has been changed. Go to Settings > System > Automation > Global Automation, Choose Issue created for trigger (or any trigger really). For more information, see:StringUtils.substring(int). {{}} - Accesses the rule actor user. When setting up an automation, adding the "Link issues" action gives a hint that reads: You can link to the issue that triggered this rule, previously created issue, a smart-value or simply an issue key. {{issue.status}} - Returns the issue's status, {{}} - Returns the issue's status, {{issue.summary}} - Returns the issue's summary, {{issue.versions}} - Returns the issue'sAffects versions. The type of event that triggered the rule. Learn more about date and time smart values. For more information, see:StringUtils.capitalize(String). Learn more about automation triggers. Allows access to data that was sent along with the incoming webhook, for example, the body of the webhook request. {{changelog.summary}} - Changelog information for theSummaryfield. Learn more about list smart values.

jira smart values linked issues