The President vetoes the River and Harbor Act, a pork-barrel piece of legislation that Arthur claimed would benefit only particular localities; Congress overrides the veto and passes the legislation the next day. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Congress passes the so-called Mongrel Tariff Act, a complex tariff revision that reduces rates on various items by less than 2 percent; Arthur had lobbied Congress for a 20 to 25 percent cut on all items. This lesson will examine the major events of Chester A. Arthur's presidency. [105] Arthur and the machine had rebuked Hayes and their intra-party rivals, but Arthur had only a few days to enjoy his triumph when, on January 12, 1880, his wife died suddenly while he was in Albany organizing the political agenda for the coming year. Under this system, elected officials rewarded their supporters with political appointments in their administrations. [228] By 1935, historian George F. Howe said that Arthur had achieved "an obscurity in strange contrast to his significant part in American history. Later that day he took a train to Long Branch to pay his respects to Garfield and to leave a card of sympathy for his wife, afterwards returning to New York City. [151] Arthur signed the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act into law on January 16, 1883. "Charles Guiteau's reasons for assassinating President Garfield, 1882 | Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History", Chester A. Arthur Fourth Annual Message (December 1, 1884), "James K Polk: Life After the Presidency", "In the Encampment at the Reunion at Ashland", "Original Civil War Officer Members of MOLLUS", "Where a President Took the Oath, Indifference May Become Official", "The Diaries of Malvina Arthur: Windows Into The Past of Our 21st President", "The Mystery of Chester Alan Arthur's Birthplace", "Republican State Committee: Gen. Chester A. Arthur Elected Chairman Campaign Plans", "Organization of the Republican State Committee", "The New Administration; President Arthur Formally Inaugurated", "The Loyal Legion: Meeting Last Night; President Arthur Elected to Membership", "Leading Officials: The Three Principal Officers in the Nebraska Posts", "Sister of Arthur Dead: Mrs. Regina M. Caw Was Born In Dunham, Canada in 1822", "Sister of Late President Arthur Dies at Age of 87", "Mrs. John E. McElroy Dead: Sister of Late President Arthur Succumbs in Atlantic City", "Another Sister for Chester: Almeda Arthur Masten", "Supreme Court Nominations, present-1789", "Historical Summary of Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) Posts by State: Wisconsin", "Chester A. Arthur Fourth Annual Message", "Chester A. Arthur Is the Most Forgotten President in U.S. History, According to Science", Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, Essays on Chester Arthur and shorter essays on each member of his cabinet and First Lady,, Regina (18221910), the wife of William G. Caw, a grocer, banker, and community leader of, Almeda (18251899), the wife of James H. Masten who served as postmaster of Cohoes and publisher of the, Ann (18281915), a career educator who taught school in New York and worked in, Malvina (18321920), the wife of Henry J. Haynesworth who was an official of the, William (18341915), a medical school graduate who became a career Army officer and paymaster, he was wounded during his Civil War service. [198] The allotment system was favored by liberal reformers at the time, but eventually proved detrimental to Native Americans as most of their land was resold at low prices to white speculators. Previous income more than $50,000 per year. Articles with the Editors byline have been written or edited by the editors, including Amanda Onion, Missy Sullivan and Matt Mullen. [107], Conkling and his fellow Stalwarts, including Arthur, wished to follow up their 1879 success at the 1880 Republican National Convention by securing the presidential nomination for their ally, ex-President Grant. He takes the oath privately on March 3rd. [96], Arthur's job was spared only until July 1878, when Hayes took advantage of a Congressional recess to fire him and Cornell, replacing them with the recess appointment of Merritt and Silas W. Arthur receives Korean ambassadors in New York. He died in 1883. This court ruling allegedly violated the provisions of the Fugitive Slave Law and called into question the agreements made in the Compromise of 1850. Paid a salary of $12,000 annually, Arthur augmented his income by sharing in a portion of all fines collected on undervalued imports. 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW [108] Their opponents in the Republican party, known as Half-Breeds, concentrated their efforts on James G. Blaine, a senator from Maine who was more amenable to civil service reform. Visited correspondent Julia I. Stalwarts, however, viewed Arthurs support for the measure as a betrayal. His Baptist minister father, William Arthur, hailed from Ireland, and his mother, Malvina Stone Arthur, was from Vermont. Arthur took this step to ensure procedural compliance; there had been a lingering question about whether a state court judge (Brady) could administer a federal oath of office. Create an account to start this course today. "[231], Arthur's townhouse, the Chester A. Arthur Home, was sold to William Randolph Hearst. [61], The end of the Civil War meant new opportunities for the men in Morgan's Republican machine, including Arthur. The gift commemorates the alliance between the two countries during the Revolutionary War. [209] Blatchford accepted, and his nomination was approved by the Senate within two weeks. The United States Bureau of Labor is created within the Department of the Interior; an independent Department of Labor will not be created until 1913. To Consent to the Nomination of Theodore Roosevelt as Collector of Customs at New York. Did you know? [51] He had an opportunity to serve at the front when the 9th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment elected him commander with the rank of colonel early in the war, but at Governor Morgan's request, he turned it down to remain at his post in New York. Have Any U.S. Presidents Decided Not to Run For a Second Term? - Facts & Biography, Thomas Jefferson's Role in the Revolutionary War, Thomas Jefferson: Inventions & Accomplishments, Thomas Jefferson's Home at Monticello: History & Facts, Monticello, Jefferson's Home: Architecture & Garden, Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson: Relationship & Children, Thomas Jefferson: Domestic, Economic & Foreign Policies, Alexander Hamilton & Thomas Jefferson: Relationship & Differences, Thomas Jefferson & the Constitutional Convention, Thomas Jefferson & Religion: Views & Quotes, President Thomas Jefferson's Cabinet: Members & Overview, Thomas Jefferson & Benjamin Franklin: Relationship & Comparison, UExcel Workplace Communications with Computers: Study Guide & Test Prep, High School World History: Help and Review, 7th Grade World History: Enrichment Program, Developmental World History: Middle School, High School US History: Homeschool Curriculum, Middle School US History: Homeschool Curriculum, 6th Grade World History: Enrichment Program, 8th Grade World History: Enrichment Program, SAT Subject Test World History: Tutoring Solution, SAT Subject Test US History: Tutoring Solution, Chester A. Arthur: Facts, Accomplishments & Quotes, Chester A. Arthur Lesson for Kids: Biography & Facts, Alexander the Great: Biography, Conquests & Facts, Anaxagoras: Biography, Philosophy & Quotes, Clytemnestra of Greek Mythology: Character Analysis, Overview, Roman God Pluto of the Underworld: Facts & Overview, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. [173] Garfield's Secretary of the Navy, William H. Hunt advocated reform of the Navy. The fifth of eight children, Chester had six sisters and one older brother. $10,000 in 1870 is equal to $231,421 in present terms. The Republicans became the party of protectionism while the Democrats were more inclined towards free trade. Top of page. Sand, I Do Solemnly Swear Presidential Inaugurations, American President: Chester A. Arthur, Miller Center (UVA), Index to the Chester A. Arthur Papers (Washington, D.C., 1961), Catalog recordGentleman Boss: The Life of Chester Alan Arthur, Catalog recordThe Unexpected President: The Life and Times of Chester A. Arthur. He also enforced the Immigration Act of 1882 to impose more restrictions on immigrants and the Tariff of 1883 to attempt to reduce tariffs. [140][n] Attorney General Wayne MacVeagh was next to resign, believing that, as a reformer, he had no place in an Arthur cabinet. [203] Reporters accompanied the presidential party, helping to publicize the new National Park system. [85] Sherman ordered a commission led by John Jay to investigate the New York Custom House. In his first annual presidential address to Congress in 1881, Arthur requested civil service reform legislation and Pendleton again introduced his bill, but Congress did not pass it. In addition to civil service reform, Arthur triedwith limited successto lower tariffs. Political opponent of the President and former secretary of state James G. Blaine defeats Arthur for the nomination; John A. Logan is selected as vice president. [62] Arthur rarely articulated his own political ideas during his time as a part of the machine; as was common at the time, loyalty and hard work on the machine's behalf was more important than actual political positions. The firm defended a black woman, Elizabeth Jennings, who had been forced out of a New York streetcar and told to wait for the next one. A chronology of key events in the life of Chester Alan Arthur (1829-1886), twenty-first president of the Unites States. Arthur demonstrated as President that he was above factions within the Republican Party, if indeed not above the party itself. Secretary Lincoln actively cooperated with Secretary Chandler in organizing the Greely rescue expedition. Corrections? In 1858, he joined the state militia principally out of a desire for companionship and political connections. 1839. Moved with family to Schenectady, N.Y., where Arthur continued his education at local lyceum. Although Arthur collected the customs duties with integrity, he continued the practice of overstaffing the customhouse with employees whose chief qualification was loyalty to Conkling. He attended schools in several New York towns before entering the prestigious Lyceum School in Schenectady, New York, at age 15. [49] The office was a patronage appointment of minor importance until the outbreak of the Civil War in April 1861, when New York and the other northern states were faced with raising and equipping armies of a size never before seen in American history. She died of pneumonia shortly after the 1880 election, and when Arthur acceded to the presidency, his sister Mary Arthur McElroy acted as White House hostess. By the end of the project, Washington Roebling's health had deteriorated considerably. The case helped lead to the desegregation of public transportation in New York City. [31][d][32][e][33] When Hinman's original story did not take root, he spread a new rumor that Arthur was born in Canada. [13] Malvina Stone met William Arthur when Arthur was teaching school in Dunham, Quebec, near the Vermont border. Arthur was the son of William Arthur, a Baptist minister, and Malvina Stone. Grover Cleveland is inaugurated as the twenty-second President of the United States. Though not an outstanding student, he graduated in 1848 in the top third of his class and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. 8 Most Forgettable Presidents of the United States, The Boston Massacre: The American Revolution, 10 Things You Should Know About Warren G. Harding, 12th President of the United States: General Zachary Taylor. "[175], By 1883, the ill-fated crew of the U.S. Army 1881 Greely scientific polar expedition was stranded at Fort Conger on Lady Franklin Bay. Four months into his term, President Garfield was shot by an assassin; he died 11 weeks later, and Arthur assumed the presidency. [191] He followed the same pattern in other Southern states, forging coalitions with independents and Greenback Party members. [128][k] The Republican majority in the state legislature was divided on the question, to Conkling and Platt's surprise, and an intense campaign in the statehouse ensued. The Pendelton Civil Service Reform Act has had long-reachingpositive impact while the Chinese Exclusion Act became a black mark in American history. He kept the condition a secret from the public; however, his poor health prevented him from actively seeking reelection in 1884. The bridge was an engineering marvel, utilizing numerous construction techniques that had never before been attempted on such a massive scale. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. $50,000 in 1871 is equal to $1.22million in present terms. [161], During the Garfield administration, Secretary of State James G. Blaine attempted to invigorate United States diplomacy in Latin America, urging reciprocal trade agreements and offering to mediate disputes among the Latin American nations. We strive for accuracy and fairness. [48] The couple had three children: After his marriage, Arthur devoted his efforts to building his law practice, but also found time to engage in Republican party politics. On September 19, 1881, President Garfield died of blood poisoning after being shot by Charles Guiteau. Along with overseeing a major renovation of the White House, President Arthur saw three major events happen during his administration: I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. Briefly studied law at State and National Law School, Ballston Spa, N.Y., followed by independent study of law, Principal, school in North Pownal, Vermont. Arthur served in this capacity until 1878, supervising nearly 1,300 agents responsible for collecting about 75 percent of the nation's import duties. A Vermont native, he became active in Republican politics in the 1850s as a New York City lawyer. He was a Republican lawyer from New York who previously served as the 20th vice president under President James A. Garfield. [125] Immediately, the Democrats attempted to organize the Senate, knowing that the vacancies would soon be filled by Republicans. The table provides a list of cabinet members in the administration of President Chester A. Arthur. [167], A more contentious debate materialized over the status of Chinese immigrants; in January 1868, the Senate had ratified the Burlingame Treaty with China, allowing an unrestricted flow of Chinese into the country. [130] Twenty-nine days before his execution for shooting Garfield, Guiteau composed a lengthy, unpublished poem claiming that Arthur knew the assassination had saved "our land [the United States]". He will be convicted on January 25, 1882, and executed on June 30, 1882. [42], When Arthur joined the firm, Culver and New York attorney John Jay (the grandson of the Founding Father John Jay) were pursuing a habeas corpus action against Jonathan Lemmon, a Virginia slaveholder who was passing through New York with his eight slaves. How Did Chester A. Arthur Become President? Arthur approves a bill to appoint a tariff commission; the commission eventually recommends tariff reductions. Conkling and Arthur viewed Hayes's assertion of authority as an open declaration of war, to which they mounted a stiff fight in the Senate. Arthurs administration also fought fraud in the U.S. Aggrieved Westerners and Southerners looked to the Democratic Party for redress, and the tariff began to emerge as a major political issue between the two parties. [39] Coincidentally, future president James A. Garfield taught penmanship at the same school three years later, but the two did not cross paths during their teaching careers. Early in the Civil War he served as Quartermaster General of the State of New York. [133] Judge John R. Brady of the New York Supreme Court administered the oath of office in Arthur's home at 2:15a.m. on September 20. In 1877 newly elected President Rutherford B. Hayes, intent on reducing Conklings patronage fiefdom, demanded the resignation of Arthur and others in the New York City customhouse. Returned to New York in September after fiance Ellen Herndons father perished on September 12 in. Honorable in his personal life and his public career, Arthur nevertheless was a firm believer in the spoils system when it was coming under vehement attack from reformers. In transport from Virginia to Texas, these slaves had been brought temporarily to New York by their master. [200] Arthur's successor, Grover Cleveland, finding that title belonged to the Native Americans, revoked Arthur's order a few months later. However, Arthur routinely collected salary kickbacks from customs house employees to support Boss Conkling's machine. Avoiding old political friends, he became a man of fashion in his garb and associates, and often was seen with the elite of Washington, New York, and Newport. York, at age 15 the twenty-second President of the nation 's import.... President that he was a Republican lawyer from New York City and on... Arthur when Arthur was the son of William Arthur when Arthur was teaching School in Schenectady, New York House. 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Satire In The Million Pound Bank Note, Are Scott Jennings And Peter Jennings Related, Articles C

chester a arthur important events