A second consideration was to see whether the achievement effects of curricular interventions were achieved evenly among the various subgroups. First, evaluations have been funded by the NSF both as a part of the original call, and as follow-up to the work in the case of three supplemental awards to two of the curricula programs. Only five items were taught by all teachers; hence in the case of the UCSMP geometry test, there is no report on a conservative test. Within any study, the results pay no attention to comparative effect size or to the established credibility of an outcome measure. On the other hand, because the above average students sometimes do not receive a demanding education, it may be incorrectly assumed they are easy to teach (National Science Foundation, 1989, p. 2). The fact that these two interpretations cannot be separated is a problem when professional development is given to one and not the other. WebEach of these variations and examples will break down easily into three main points and help provide guidance as you continue your research. In What Ways Has The Worldwide Pandemic Affected Peoples Mental Health? a43.1, 44.7, 50.5 means students were correct on 43.1 percent of the total items, 44.7 percent of the fair items for UCSMP, and 50.5 percent of the items that were taught in both treatments. As a result, we categorized the Saxon studies within the group of studies of commercial materials. Both types of studies yielded significant differences for some of the comparisons coded as restrictions to generalizability. What Is Obama-Care And How It Benefits Americans? Most of the studies reported on multiple grade levels, as shown in Figure 5-2. We propose that this filtering process constitutes a test of the robustness of the outcome measures subjected to increasing degrees of rigor by using filtering. Second, effect size has become a relatively common and standard way of gauging the practical significance of the findings. When studies only examined performances of a group over time, such as in some longitudinal studies, it was coded as quasi-experimental normed. Integrated multicultural For example, there were 11 studies of NSF-supported curricula that simply reported on the issues of SES in creating equivalent samples for comparison, and for this subset the mean probabilities of getting positive, negative, or results showing no significant difference were (.47, .10, .43). The major content strands are marked with an asterisk in the Figure 5-11. for each of the three study categories, NSF-supported and commercially generated with UCSMP included. A study by Abrams (1989) (EX)3 on the use of Saxon algebra by ninth graders showed that concerns for implementation fidelity extend to all curricula, even those like Saxon whose methods may seem more likely to be consistent with common practice. Below you can find ten topics you can use as inspiration. The complexity of doing research on curricular materials introduces a number of possible confounding variables. Initially by reviewing the studies, we were able to identify one general design template, which consisted of seven critical decision points and determined that it could be used to develop a framework for conducting our meta-analysis. Brainstorming Tip One fun way to get students started The Saxon materials also present a somewhat different profile from the other commercially generated materials because many of the evaluations of these materials were conducted in the 1980s and the materials were originally developed with a rather atypical program theory. The CMP students outperformed the control students (53 percent versus 28 percent) overall in providing the correct answers and support work, and 27 percent of the control group gave an incorrect answer or showed incorrect thinking compared to 13 percent of the CMP group. These students 1st-grade ITBS scores indicated similarity in prior performance levels. (1998) evaluation study of Connected Math, the authors were interested in students proportional reasoning proficiency as a result of use of this curriculum. Likewise, with increasing numbers of students in urban schools, and increased demographic diversity, the challenges of equity are equally significant for commercial publishers, who feel increasing pressures to demonstrate the effectiveness of their products in various contexts. In the CMP school reports (School A) totals between 100 and 136 hours of professional development were recorded for all seven teachers in grades 6 through 8. The data at the high school level produced the most conflicting results, and in conducting future evaluations, evaluators will need to examine this level more closely. aA matched-pairs t-test indicates that the differences between the two curricula are significant. One study reported significant improvements for African-American females. In relation to race, 15 of 16 reports on African Americans showed positive effects in favor of the treatment group for NSF-supported curricula. From this point onward, all references can be assumed to refer to at least minimally methodologically adequate unless a study is referenced for illustration, in which case we label it with EX to indicate that it is excluded in the summary analyses. How The President Of Belarus Manages To Stay In Power For Over 25 Years. Sixty-nine percent of NSF-supported and 61 percent of commercially generated program evaluations met basic conditions to be classified as at least minimally methodologically adequate studies for the evaluation of effectiveness. For the studies of commercial materials (n=4), only the geometry results favor the control group 25 percent of the time, with 50 percent having favorable results. Given the importance of the topic of equity, it should be standard practice to include such analyses in evaluation studies. All sites combined. In the studies of commercial materials, a failure to name specific curricular comparisons also produced a higher percentage of positive outcomes for the treatment, but the difference was not statistically significant. To establish if there is a treatment effect, one must logically rule out as many other explanations as possible for the differences in the outcome variable. NOTE: The first set of numbers in the parenthesis represent the percentage of outcomes that are positive, the second set of numbers represent the percentage of outcomes that are negative, and the third set of numbers represent the percentage of outcomes that are nonsignificant. (2000). For the NSF-supported curricular programs, out of 15 filters, 5 produced a probability that differed significantly at the p<.1 level. Judgments were made for each study as to whether the appropriate unit was utilized. We further identified a subset of these evaluation studies that met a set of minimum conditions that we termed at least minimally methodologically adequate studies. Dairy products and how they should be used in a balance. FIGURE 5-13 Major content strand result: All commercial (n=8). In the studies of commercial materials, the presence or absence of measures of treatment fidelity worked differently. Program implementation has been undercut by negative publicity and the fears of parents concerning change. FIGURE 5-2 Single-grade studies by grade and multigrade studies by grade band. WebThis research is dedicated to my family who has encouraged me each step of the way: my husband Brent who has endured many study evenings and has been my strong support, They further point out that [t]his 3-year pattern is consistent, on average, in rural, urban, and suburban schools, for males and females, for various minority groups, and for students for whom English was not their first language (p. 4). However, we believed that only after examining the configuration of results and. These should include indications of limitations in populations sampled, sample size, unique population inclusions or exclusions, and levels of use or attrition. By 3rd grade, the number of classes increased to 29 while the number of original students decreased to 236 students. Furthermore, the results raising concerns about college success need replication before secure conclusions are drawn. After defining eligibility as a reform school, evaluators conducted separate regression analyses for the five states at each tested grade level to identify the strongest predictors of average school mathematics score. Put another way, the treatment effect is a parameter that the study is set up to estimate. This shows that it is overly simplistic to think that reform and traditional practices are oppositional. If you are struggling with writing, feel free to contact us about our writing services, and well help you come on top of your research paper assignment no matter how complex it is. Overall, the grade band results for the NSF-supported programswhile consistent with the aggregated resultsprovide more detail. that contained statistically significant results were assigned a percentage of outcomes that are positive (in favor of the treatment curriculum) based on the number of statistically significant comparisons reported relative to the total number of comparisons reported, and a percentage of outcomes that are negative (in favor of the comparative curriculum). Feel free to jump to a category that you find the most engaging. Curricular effectiveness is not an all-or-nothing proposition. Often these reports contained a time element, reporting on how the internal achievement patterns changed over time as a curricular program was used. This interdisciplinary approach has led to some interesting observations and innovations in our methodology of evaluation study review. This discontinuity can emerge in scores on college admission tests, placement tests, and first semester grades where nonreform students have shown some advantage on typical college achievement measures. Unfortunately, we are not hiring writers now due to low season. Has The Worlds Leading Countries Response To Climate Change Improved Or Declined Over The Last Decade? Hawthorne effect (Franke and Kaul, 1978) occurs when treatments are compared to everyday practices, due to motivational factors that influence experimental participants. In a study of Saxon and UCSMP, Peters (1992) (EX) studied the use of these materials with two classrooms taught by the same teacher. Many of the weaknesses came from inadequate attention to experimental design, insufficient evidence of the independence of evaluators in some studies, and instability and lack of cooperation in interfacing with the conditions of everyday practice. Was the appropriate unit of analysis used in their statistical tests? Longitudinal studies also have unique challenges associated with outcome measures, a study by Romberg et al. We ran tests that report the impact of the filters on the number of studies, the percentage of studies, and the effects described as probabilities. Studies reporting on or adjusting for treatment fidelity tended to have significantly higher probabilities in favor of experimental treatment, less positive effects in fewer of the comparative treatments, and more likelihood of results with no significant differences. The seven critical decision points we identified initially were: Choice of type of design: experimental or quasi-experimental; For those studies that do not use random assignment: what methods of establishing comparability of groups were built into the designthis includes student characteristics, teacher characteristics, and the extent to which professional development was involved as part of the definition of a curriculum; Definition of the appropriate unit of analysis (students, classes, teachers, schools, or districts); Inclusion of an examination of implementation components; Definition of the outcome measures and disaggregated results by program; The choice of statistical tests, including statistical significance levels and effect size; and. For example, in the Sconiers et al. It should be noted that of the five studies in which the correct unit of analysis was used, two of these were population studies of freshmen entering college, and these reported few results in favor of the experimental treatments. In our model in Chapter 3, these factors were referred to as implementation components. Measuring implementation can be costly for large-scale comparative studies; however, many researchers have shown that variation in implementation is a key factor in determining effectiveness. When students step into college from high school, they are still used to the concept of teachers assigning They reported outcome scores or gains from pretest to posttest. In Figure 5-7, 16 items listed by number were taken from the Second International Mathematics Study. FIGURE 5-5 Treatment of implementation components by program type. school administrators). Of the commercial, non-UCSMP studies included, only one reported on implementation. Again, these reports were done in relation either to outcome measures or to gains from pretest to posttest. Given the weaknesses in the designs generally, often these alternative hypotheses cannot be dismissed. Tests should also include content strands to aid disaggregation, at a level of major content strands (see Figure 5-11) and content-specific items relevant to the experimental curricula. One approach to longitudinal studies was used by Webb and Dowling in their studies of the Interactive Mathematics Program (Webb and Dowling, 1995a, 1995b, 1995c). TABLE 5-11 Percentage of Outcomes by Test Type and Program Type. It would be a mistake to focus evaluation efforts solely or primarily on performance on entry-level courses, which can clearly function as filters and may overly emphasize procedural competence, but do not necessarily represent what concepts and skills lead to excellence and success in the field. Even high school students can write research topics about the pandemic. Again, subsequent designs should be better informed by these findings to improve the likelihood that they will produce less ambiguous results and replication of studies could also give more confidence in the findings. A standard for evaluation of any social program requires that an impact assessment is warranted only if two conditions are met: (1) the curricular program is clearly specified, and (2) the intervention is well implemented. Specific Topic Examples Regarding Education. across program categories among NSF-supported, UCSMP, and studies of commercial materials. In the 63 studies, the central group was compared to an NSF-supported curriculum (1), an unnamed traditional curriculum (41), a named traditional curriculum (19), and one of the six commercial curricula (2). Supplemental materials or new teaching techniques produce the results and not the experimental curricula. Overall, a review of these studies would lead one to draw the following tentative summary conclusions: There is some evidence of discontinuity in the articulation between high school and college, resulting from the organization and emphasis of the new curricula. evaluations of the NSF-supported curricula and UCSMP than about the evaluations of the commercial programs. As indicated in our model, professional development can be considered a program element or component or it can be viewed as part of the implementation process. NOTE: Parentheses indicate standard deviation. Students from lower socioeconomic groups fared well, according to reported evaluations of NSF-supported materials (n=8), in that experimental groups outperformed control groups in all but one case. FIGURE 5-11 Study counts for all content strands. First, there were studies whose designs were limited by the ability or performance level of the students in the samples. Overall, the mean score on these distributions was (.54, .07, .40), indicating that across all the studies, 54 percent of the comparisons favored the treatment, 7 percent favored the comparison group, and 40 percent showed no significant difference. FIGURE 5-10 Proportion of studies by sample size and program. Classroom observations were conducted infrequently in these studies, except in cases when comparative studies were combined with case studies, typically with small numbers of schools and classes where observations. Research designs should be adjusted to consider these issues when different conditions of professional development are provided. For example, Rentschler (1995) conducted a study of Saxon 76 compared to Silver Burdett with 7th graders in West Virginia. Reprinted with permission. Finally, on the question of adequate challenge for advanced and talented students, the data are equivocal. Of the studies that reported on gender (n=19), the NSF-supported ones (n=13) reported five cases in which the females outperformed their counterparts in the controls and one case in which the female-male gap decreased within the experimental treatments across grades. We would recommend that all comparative studies report on both between and within comparisons so that the audience of an evaluation can simply and easily consider the level of improvement, its distribution across subgroups, and the impact of curricular implementation on any gaps in performance. The findings of comparative studies are reported in terms of the outcome measure(s) collected. Results showed significant differences in the subsequent performance by students at the school with higher participation in professional development (School A) and it became a districtwide top performer; the other two schools remained at risk for low performance. The disadvantages of such an approach include the use of only a small number of items and the concerns for reliability in scoring. In our conclusions, we address the issue of how to collect such data more systematically at the district or state level in order to subject the data to the standards of scholarly peer review and make it more systematically and fairly a part of the national database on curricular effectiveness. Two primary reasons seem to account for a lack of use of pure experimental design. We report the results of the studies disaggregation by subgroup in our discussions of generalizability. Their assessment strategy permitted them to investigate algebraic reasoning as an ability to use algebraic ideas and techniques to (1) mathematize quantitative problem situations, (2) use algebraic principles and procedures to solve equations, and (3) interpret results of reasoning and calculations. In the External Assessment System, items from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) and Third International Mathematics and Science Survey (TIMSS) were balanced across four strands (number, geometry, algebra, probability and statistics), and 20 items of moderate difficulty, called anchor items, were repeated on each grade-specific assessment (p. 8). TABLE 5-10 Percentage of Outcomes by Test Type. The Most Noteworthy Developments In The History Of Healthcare Financing. Click here to buy this book in print or download it as a free PDF, if available. In effect, given the limitations of time and support, and the urgency of providing advice related to policy, we offer this filtering approach as an informal meta-analytic technique sufficient to permit us to address our primary task, namely, evaluating the quality of the evaluation studies. In early understanding of fractions and algebra, there is some evidence of improvement. A study was coded as positive if it either reported on the professional development provided on the experimental group or reported the data on both treatments. For example, a study by Thompson et al. Discuss The Major Entrepreneurship Theories. For example, using the same set of studies as an example, UCSMP studies used volunteer samples who responded to advertisements in their newsletters, resulting in samples with disproportionately Caucasian subjects from wealthier schools compared to national samples. It is completely possible that a refinement of methodologies may affect the future patterns of results, so the results are to be viewed as tentative and suggestive. Hence we spell out our assumptions as precisely as possible: Evaluation studies should include representative samples of student demographics, which may require particular attention to the inclusion of underrepresented minority students from lower socioeconomic groups, females, and special needs populations (LEP, learning disabled, gifted and talented students) in the samples. The results are due to evaluator bias because too few evaluators are independent of the program developers. Public schools and homeschooling: Which do you prefer? The benefits are most consistently evidenced in the broadening topics of geometry, measurement, probability, and statistics, and in applied problem solving and reasoning. Differences among studies, by study type (NSF, UCSMP, and commercially generated), showed variation on this issue, with 46 percent of NSF reporting or adjusting for implementation, 75 percent of UCSMP, and only 11 percent of the other studies of commercial materials doing so. If a quasi-experimental design is selected, it is necessary to establish comparability. As a result, we would suggest that these results are useful only as baseline data for future evaluation efforts. Their results should be viewed as a means for the identification of topics for potential future study. The five filters were for treatment fidelity, specification of control group, choosing the appropriate statistical unit, generalizability for ability, and generalizability based on disaggregation by subgroup. Finally, it is imperative that evaluation studies systematically include demographically representative student populations and distinguish evaluations that follow the commercial patterns of use from those that seek to establish effectiveness with a diverse student population. These results are presented only for the purpose of stimulating further evaluation efforts. level band specified by the committee for the selection of that program. Materials are not well aligned with universities and colleges because tests for placement and success in early courses focus extensively on algebraic manipulation. Hopefully, youll find these high school research paper topics inspirational. We represented the calculation of each study as a triplet (a, b, c) where a indicates the proportion of the results that were positive and statistically significantly stronger than the comparison program, b indicates the proportion that were negative and statistically significantly weaker than the comparison program, and c indicates the proportion that showed no significant difference between the treatment and the comparative group. In this report, we describe our methodology for review and synthesis so that others might scrutinize our approach and offer criticism on the basis of. It was during the fourth year that course options should focus on special mathematical needs of individual students, accommodating not only the curricular demands of the college-bound but also specialized applications supportive of the workplace aspirations of employment-bound students (NSF, 1991, p. 2). Equity was contrasted to equality, where one assumed all students should be treated exactly the same (Secada et al., 1995). Results in favor of the control were reported in 25 percent of the algebra procedures and 33 percent of computation measures. They constructed their own test because, in their view, the standard test was not adequately balanced among skills, properties, and real-world uses. There are those who would argue that any threat to the validity of a study discredits the findings, thus claiming that until we know everything, we know nothing. We recognized that professional development could be viewed by the readers of this report in two ways. Twitter. The remainder of the chapter is focused on considering in detail what claims are made by these studies, and how robust those claims are when subjected to challenge by alternative hypothesis, filtering by tests of increasing rigor, and examining results and patterns across the studies. Explore The Relationship Between Social Media And Mental Health Disorders, How The Public School System Cares For The Mental Health Of Students. In contrast, in the majority of the cases, the comparison curriculum is referred to simply as traditional. In only 22 cases were comparisons made between two identified curricula. The use of item or content strand-level comparative reports had the advantage that they permitted the evaluators to assess student learning strategies specific to a curriculums program theory. In the Hirsch and Schoen (2002) study, based on a sample of 1,457 students, scores on Ability to Do Quantitative Thinking (ITED-Q) a subset of the Iowa Tests of Education Development, students in Core-Plus showed increasing performance over national norms over the three-year time period. Why? Investigating these is important in order to understand the effects of these curricular programs on different subpopulations of students. The one study of commercially generated materials that included SES as a variable reported no significant difference. We remind the reader of the artificial aspects of this distinction because at the present time, 18 of the 19 curricula are published commercially. To examine this issue, we conducted an analysis of the studies that reported their results by content strand. It is important to consider whether the outcome measures in these areas demonstrate a depth of understanding.
Although developing detailed specifications for these approaches is beyond the scope of this review, we wish to emphasize that these methodological advances should be considered within future evaluation designs. The In summarizing these 26 studies, the first consideration was whether representative samples of students were evaluated. The use of comparisons among total tests, fair tests, and. These results suggest that our prediction that using the correct unit of analysis would decrease the percentage of positive outcomes is likely to be correct. For example, a study may or may not report on the comparability of the samples in terms of race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. Recognition of limitations to generalizability resulting from design choices. tive, or indeterminate (no significant difference) and then calculated the proportion of each. A final filter compares the probabilities of the studies in which SES is adjusted for with those that either report it only or do not report it at all. There is a lot of research to back up your claims and make logical assumptions.
Explore the educational policy, no child left Developing more effective methods to monitor the achievement of these objectives may need to go beyond what is reported in this study. What is less well documented in the studies is the extent to which the curricula counteract the tendencies to see gaps emerge and result in long-term persistence in performance by gender and minority group membership as they move up the grades. Furthermore, using class means as the unit of analysis does not suggest that significant differences will not be found. The "ex post facto" causal-comparative study examined the academic achievement of high school students who took their dual credit English or mathematics our methodology and its connection to the results stated and conclusions drawn. In these cases, the study results would also limit the generalizability of the results to similar populations. The disadvantage is that in a sense, studies undertaking multiple disaggregations become overrepresented in the data set as a result. For example, at times, evaluators wanted to gauge the effectiveness of using problems different from those on typical standardized tests. Many students struggle with having to find good entrepreneurship research paper ideas for high school. We stipulated the use of comparative studies as follows: A comparative study was defined as a study in which two (or more) curricular treatments were investigated over a substantial period of time (at least one semester, and more typically an entire school year) and a comparison of various curricular outcomes was examined using statistical tests. A study by Briars and Resnick (2000) (EX) in Pittsburgh schools directly confronted issues relevant to professional development and implementation. For individual students, there is a large literature suggesting the importance of social class to achievement. Basketball and football: Popularity, speed of play, dependency on athleticism, When we conduct analyses across curricular program types or grade levels, we use these to facilitate comparisons. Six studies (all on NSF-supported curricula) used this approach with variables related to subpopulations. The list of elements begins with the seven elements. These samples should be representative of the populations to whom one wants to generalize the results. strengths in areas of solving applied problems, the use of technology, new areas of content development such as probability and statistics and functions-based reasoning in the use of graphs, using data in tables, and producing equations to describe situations (Huntley et al., 2000; Hirsch and Schoen, 2002). Some longitudinal studies, it was coded as restrictions to generalizability resulting from design choices cases! 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