Grant administration cap. When documenting its DOB analysis, grantees cannot rely on certification alone for proof of other sources of funds for the same purpose (unless authorized by this notice, see section IV.A.1.(g). CDBGDR grantees that are subject to this Consolidated Notice, as indicated in each Preparation and planning are key. The grantee will continue the action plan process in DRGR to draw funds (see section V.C.1.). HUD is adopting an alternative requirement to require grantees to adhere to the applicable construction standards in II.B.2.a. Provided further, 230 Because the waiver and alternative requirement in II.B.1. You can also get answers to frequently asked questions about emergency shelters, disaster assistance, flood insurance and more. For recovery programs of the grantee that do not entail physical rebuilding, such as special economic development activities to provide an affected business with working capital, the total need will be determined by the requirements or parameters of the program or activity. Section IV.A. CDBGDR mitigation set-aside. Applicants for CDBGDR assistance are expected to seek insurance or other assistance to which they are legally entitled under existing policies and contracts, and to behave reasonably when negotiating payments to which they may be entitled. Learn more about common disaster-related rumors and how to report fraud. a. The Fact Sheet describing the process to submit an action plan for program administrative costs in DRGR can be viewed at et seq. Disaster recovery grantees are required to use the most recent data available in implementing the exception criteria ( Our history of serving the public interest stretches back to 1887. Paragraph (g) of 24 CFR 570.482 and paragraph (c) and (d) under 570.209 are also waived to the extent these provisions are related to public benefit. The homeowner is legally obligated to use insurance proceeds for the purpose of reducing the unpaid mortgage principal and does not have a choice in using them for any other purpose, such as to rehabilitate the house. temporary assistance for rental housing during a period when a household is unable to reside in its home). e.g., Start Printed Page 32052 Due 90 days after fiscal year end. Thus, this method streamlines the documentation process by allowing the collection of wage data for each position created or retained from the assisted businesses, rather than from each individual household. Start Printed Page 32066 To ensure that adequate recovery resources are available to assist lower income homeowners who reside in a floodplain but who are unlikely to be able to afford flood insurance, the Secretary finds good cause to establish an alternative requirement. of the Consolidated Notice. k. The grantee certifies that it has adopted and is enforcing the following policies, and, in addition, state grantees must certify that they will require local governments that receive their grant funds to certify that they have adopted and are enforcing: (1) A policy prohibiting the use of excessive force by law enforcement agencies within its jurisdiction against any individuals engaged in nonviolent civil rights demonstrations; and. Assistance provided for the same purpose as the CDBGDR purpose (the CDBGDR eligible activity) must be excluded when calculating the amount of the DOB if the applicant can document that actual specific use of the assistance was an allowable use of that assistance and was different than the use (cost) of the CDBGDR assistance ( Allocation Announcement Notice, or with the grantee's submission of its action plan in DRGR as described in section III.C.1, whichever date is earlier. . A grantee must indicate the decision to expand eligibility to the whole county or counties in its action plan. In its action plan, each grantee must specify criteria for determining what changes in the grantee's plan constitute a substantial amendment to the plan. IV.A.1.(f). If FEMA or USACE are accepting applications for the activity, the applicant must seek assistance from those sources before receiving CDBGDR assistance. 2. Economic Revitalization and Section 3 Requirements on Economic Opportunities, III.A. Economic development activities support economic revitalization. Any amount received from other sources before the CDBGDR assistance that is determined to be duplicative must be collected by the grantee. Property owners are given an opportunity to file an appeal with the Assessor's Office and at the Board of Review, both dates can be found below. Mitigation measures. However, these grantees are not precluded from spending 100 percent of their allocation in the HUD-identified MID areas if they choose to do so. ; Racial and ethnic make-up of the population, including relevant sub-populations depending on activities and programs outlined in the plan (this would include renters and homeowners if eligibility is dependent on housing tenure) and the specific sub- geographies in the MID areas in which those programs and activities will be carried out; LEP populations, including number and percentage of each identified group; Number and percentage of persons with disabilities; Number and percentage of persons belonging to Federally protected classes under the Fair Housing Act (race, color, national origin, religion, sexwhich includes sexual orientation and gender identityfamilial status, and disability) and other vulnerable populations as determined by the grantee; Indigenous populations and tribal communities, including number and percentage of each identified group; Racially and ethnically concentrated areas and concentrated areas of poverty; and. After 36 months, the grantee will be required to follow the criteria established in section 104(b)(3) of the HCDA and its implementing regulations in 24 CFR part 570 when using the urgent need national objective for any new programs and/or activities added to an action plan. 10 newly built homes will withstand high winds up to 100 mph). The grantee must determine that the costs of the activity to assist a utility are necessary and reasonable and that they do not duplicate other financial assistance. If the 500-year floodplain is unavailable, and the Critical Action is in the 100-year floodplain, then the structure must be elevated or floodproofed (in accordance with FEMA floodproofing standards at 44 CFR 60.3(c)(2)(3) or successor standard) at least three feet above the 100-year floodplain elevation. 4601, A lock ( proportion of benefits going to different locations within the MID or to homeowners versus renters). To help further the AICPA goal for promoting the highest-quality Single Audits, the GAQC has released several new and updated resources to help organizations subject to these types of audits, as follows: These resources and others are free and available to the public. The Stafford Act. An official website of the United States government. Sub-allocations to local governments are made from this disaster level allocation. Use the PDF linked in the document sidebar for the official electronic format. documents in the last year, by the Land Management Bureau The cap for administrative costs is subject to the combined technical assistance and administrative cap for state grantees as discussed in section III.B.2.a. for economic development activities, data about job loss or businesses closing after the disaster or data showing how pre-disaster economic stressors were aggravated by the disaster; or for housing activities, a post-disaster housing analysis that describes the activities that are necessary to address the post-disaster housing needs. In addition to other requirements in this section, grantees must comply with applicable state, local, and tribal codes and standards for floodplain management, including elevation, setbacks, and cumulative substantial damage requirements. Each of the FEMA IHP inspected owner units are categorized by HUD into one of five categories: IV.D.2. II.B.7.a. If your agency is a HUD housing counseling grantee, late reporting may affect timely processing of your agencys grant voucher by HUD counseling grantee and may negatively affect your agencys scores in HUD housing counseling grant competitions. Specifically, grantees must detail how they will meet the Residential Anti-displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan (RARAP) requirements in section IV.F.7. Grantees must apply these guidelines to the extent applicable for the rehabilitation work undertaken, for example, the use of mold resistant products when replacing surfaces such as drywall. The Stafford Act requires grantees to ensure that applicants agree to repay all duplicative assistance to the agency providing that Federal assistance. III.B.1.d. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has not yet communicated whether it will offer any similar extensions for their for-profit recipients in affected states. For purposes of this paragraph, public use shall not be construed to include economic development that primarily benefits private entities. For purposes of this requirement, an activity that falls within this definition is an infrastructure activity regardless of whether it is carried out under sections 105(a)(2), 105(a)(4), 105(a)(14), another section of the HCDA, or a waiver or alternative requirement established by HUD. e.g., V.B.3. Basic Duplication of Benefits Calculation Framework. III.D.1. HUD is available to Reassess Unmet Need When Necessary. The grantee must make the action plan, any substantial amendments, vital documents, and all performance reports available to the public on its website. In the case of noncompliance with these requirements, the state shall take such actions as may be appropriate to prevent a continuance of the deficiency, mitigate any adverse effects or consequences, and prevent a recurrence. 06/02/2023, 244 Warning: For each of the items (1) through (6) below (collectively referred to as the Financial Management and Grant Compliance Certification Requirements) the grantee must certify to the accuracy of its submission when submitting the Financial Management and Grant Compliance Certification Checklist (the Certification Checklist). Up to five percent of the grant (plus five percent of program income generated by the grant) can be used for administrative costs by the grantee, units of general local government, or subrecipients. IV.A.1.(i). Limitation on use of funds for eminent domain. Start Printed Page 32065 Based on this authority, the Secretary authorizes grantees receiving a CDBGDR grant under the Appropriations Acts and prior or future appropriation acts for activities authorized under title I of the HCDA for a specific qualifying disaster(s) to use these funds interchangeably and without limitation for the same activities in MID areas resulting from a major disaster in prior or future appropriation acts, as long as the MID areas overlap and the activities address unmet needs of both disasters. Grantees and their subrecipients are required to comply with the underwriting guidelines in Appendix A to 24 CFR part 570 if they are using grant funds to provide assistance to a for-profit entity for an economic development project under section 105(a)(17) of the HCDA. using FEMA's community lifelines). III.C.1.e. (i) The grantee (or procuring entity) is required to clearly state the period of performance or date of completion in all contracts; 2. 5304(e)(2) will also include activities that the state carries out directly. in the Consolidated Notice. of the Consolidated Notice, to the owner of a property that will be redeveloped if: (a.) CDBGDR funds, however, shall not be used for a forced mortgage payoff. The grantee may offer safe housing incentives in addition to the relocation assistance that is legally required. CMS has directed all MACs to perform a probe and educate review in a format similar to the traditional TPE review. Responsibility for review and handling of noncompliance (state grantees only). 06/02/2023, 863 Subsidized loans may also be available from other sources. There are precedent conditions listed in the Letter, which must be satisfied by the owners who take the monthly distributions. Alternative requirement for housing rehabilitationassistance for second homes. Before a reduction, withdrawal, or adjustment of a CDBGDR grant, or other actions taken pursuant to this section, the recipient shall be notified of the proposed action and be given an opportunity for an informal consultation. II.B.12. Federal Register Program income includes, but is not limited to, the following: (i) Proceeds from the disposition by sale or long-term lease of real property purchased or improved with CDBGDR funds. Register (ACFR) issues a regulation granting it official legal status. Register, and does not replace the official print version or the official Requirements for CDBG actions plans, located at 42 U.S.C. State grantees must comply with the procurement requirements at 24 CFR 570.489(g) and the following alternative requirements: The grantee must evaluate the cost or price of the product or service being procured. 5305(a)(8), 24 CFR 570.201(e), 24 CFR 570.207(b)(4), and 24 CFR 1003.207(b)(4) are modified to extend interim mortgage assistance (IMA) to qualified individuals from three months to up to twenty months. Federal Register Policies and procedures of the grantee submitted to support the certification must provide that before the award of assistance, the grantee will use the best, most recent available data from FEMA, the Small Business Administration (SBA), insurers, and any other sources of local, state, and Federal sources of funding to prevent the duplication of benefits. et seq.). Grantees that received funds for disasters occurring in 2022 must follow the requirements located in section IV.A. have tie-back to the specific qualified disaster) and incorporate mitigation measures into the recovery activities. State and local government grantees must submit a certification to AFFH in accordance with 24 CFR 5.150, et. HUD is waiving the section 104(d) one-for-one replacement requirement for owner-occupied lower-income dwelling units that are damaged by the disaster and not suitable for rehabilitation because the one-for-one replacement requirements do not account for the large, sudden changes that a major disaster may cause to the local housing stock, population, or economy. In their citizen participation plan, state and local government grantees shall identify how the needs of non-English speaking residents will be met in the case of virtual and in-person public hearings where a significant number of non-English speaking residents can be reasonably expected to participate. CDBGDR funds can be used for CDBGDR eligible activities related to economic revitalization. The CDBGDR RARAP must include a description of how the grantee will plan programs or projects in such a manner that recognizes the substantial challenges experienced by displaced individuals, families, businesses, farms, and nonprofit organizations and develop solutions to minimize displacement or the adverse impacts of displacement especially among vulnerable populations. A grantee that does not collect duplicative CDBGDR assistance that it provides, should review HUD's guidance in the second paragraph of section and II.C.4., which apply only to those eligible activities described in those paragraphs. Start Printed Page 32059. Each local government receiving assistance from a state grantee must follow a detailed citizen participation plan that satisfies the requirements of 24 CFR 570.486 (except as provided for in notices providing waivers and alternative requirements). 4601 12705(a)(2), and 24 CFR 91.220 and 91.320, are waived for CDBGDR grants. The letter would either be mailed to you or placed into your Disaster Assistance Center account, if you have set up an account. A section 104(d) eligible displaced person is eligible to receive the amounts and types of assistance for displaced persons under the URA, as may be modified by the waivers and alternative requirements in this notice for activities related to disaster recovery. To get your license, keep 3 E's in mind: education, examination and experience. Without this waiver, disparities exist in relocation assistance associated with activities typically funded by HUD and FEMA ( III.G.2. URA replacement housing payments for tenants. allocation of CDBGDR funds (or within one year after the date of the disaster, whichever is later). For grantees receiving an allocation for a 2022 disaster, the notice that announced the initial allocation of CDBGDR funds is this notice. To implement this authority, the following alternative requirement will replace the alternative requirement in the Consolidated Notice at III.C.1. (1) in the Consolidated Notice that states, The person or private entity incurred the expenses within one year after the applicability date of the grantee's Allocation Announcement Notice (or within one year after the date (6) For each proposed program and/or activity, its respective CDBG activity eligibility category (or categories), national objective(s), and what disaster-related impact is addressed, as described in section II.A.1. a state grantee to consult with affected local governments in nonentitlement areas of the state in determining the state's proposed method of distribution. Start Printed Page 32076 When conducting a virtual hearing, the grantee must allow questions in real time, with answers coming directly from the grantee representatives to all attendees.. current mtg. Facsimile inquiries may be sent to Ms. Parker at 2027080033 (this is not a toll-free number). 5304(e) is also waived, to the extent that it would require HUD to annually review grantee performance under the consistency criteria. Our advice for now? The grantee must review and modify any financial management policies and procedures regarding the tracking and accounting of administration costs as necessary. Assess Applicant Need. If a grantee is allocating funds for infrastructure, its description must include: (1) How it will address the construction or rehabilitation of disaster-related systems ( - when the activity will result in construction of five or more units, the affordability requirements described in the action plan apply to the units that will be occupied by LMI households. There are many ways to help such as donating cash, needed items or your time. CDBGDR funds as match. and IV.A.1.(f)). CDBG displacement, relocation, acquisition, and replacement housing program regulationsOptional relocation assistance. above). We have a limited number of rooms reserved at the rate of $219 per night , 24th Annual PHA (Public Housing) Conference Read More . The grantee's records must demonstrate that it has notified affected citizens through electronic mailings, press releases, statements by public officials, media advertisements, public service announcements, and/or contacts with neighborhood organizations. Clarifying note on Section 3 worker eligibility and documentation requirements. ), victims of domestic violence, persons with alcohol or other substance-use disorder, persons with HIV/AIDS and their families, and public housing residents, as identified in 24 CFR 91.315(e)). Grantees must verify whether FEMA or USACE funds are available prior to awarding CDBGDR funds to specific activities or beneficiaries. Total assistance includes available assistance. The grantee's submissions must demonstrate how it will consult with other relevant government agencies, including the State Hazard Mitigation Officer (SHMO), State or local Disaster Recovery Coordinator, floodplain administrator, and any other state and local emergency management agencies, such as public health and environmental protection agencies, that have primary responsibility for the administration of FEMA or USACE funds. Since 2013, as a condition of making any CDBGDR grant, the Secretary must certify that the grantee has established adequate procedures to prevent DOB. The waivers and alternative requirements provide flexibility in program design and implementation to support full and swift recovery following eligible disasters, while ensuring that statutory requirements are met. e.g., The information in DRGR and the performance reports must contain sufficient detail to permit HUD's review of grantee performance and to enable remote review of grantee data to allow HUD to assess compliance and risk. Alternative requirement for the elevation of structures when using CDBGDR funds as the non-Federal match in a FEMA-funded project. $5,000 to $9,000 of FEMA inspected personal property damage or 4 to 5.9 feet of flooding on the first floor. Each grantee receiving an allocation under an Allocation Announcement Notice must make the following certifications with its action plan: a. et seq.) Pursuant to the Appropriations Acts, HUD has identified MID areas based on the best available data for all eligible affected areas. 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hud audit filing deadline 2022