Pop Pop started comforting Lincoln. Holland Lop Bunnies Lana pat Lily's head tenderly. - Lincoln said - Who else you think I was talking about (Lincoln took a sip of water and he look around the house and his sisters). LINCOLN: Sure. This resulted in its ultimate destruction from the unstable mass of planets it had absorbed. Lori had graduated from high school, and went to to acquire a fairly well-paying job after college. shouted the twins in unison. [he pulled Bun-Bun]. - Lucy said, (Lucy and the other nicer sisters about to leave to help Lincoln, but Lori stops them), LORI: That is literally the stupidest thing I've ever heard! Lincoln was playing with Bun-Bun on backyard under care of Luan. LENI: (grabbing Lincoln) Well, I'm gonna turn him back into my brother, Lincoln Loud. Lori: THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! - Lori said, (Luna feels sad at this situation, as Lori notices her). LENI: What is wrong with you, Lori?! - Leni scolded. - Lola brags - And we're not giving him his memories back, we're changing him to something different! Mature. Web21 year old Lincoln is the only one that's in Royal Woods, Michigan with his friend Clyde but his family was around the world living big and not see how lincoln was doin Meet the Why did you do this? Please. Everyone seems to be minding their own business, including the only boy in the house, Lincoln Loud, who's in his room right now Luna: I'm sorry. Lincoln stirs awake from his bout of unconsciousness to the full realization that he was back at the hospital. - Leni said worried, (At home, the siblings guide Lincoln to the door, he tries using the knob. Sorry! LISA: You're not changing him! Lincoln comes from behinds the tree and goes up to Pop Pop. With Bun Bun, I was actually going to have one of Lincoln's sisters yell at Lily when they discover the torn up stuffed rabbit, and call her a stupid child. - Leni said - You just wanna change him because you hated him. Noooo! While infuriated, the sisters understood her plight, and they skip over her. I love you all, and enjoy your new life. Before Lincoln could let Lisa speak, he is grabbed from behind and is dragged out into the hall where the other sisters are waiting for him. It had gotten to the point it was recommended that Lincoln spend a few nights in the hospital. Later they played in this race again. I had a beautiful dream! Lincoln lays back in his bed, his chest exhaling in a wheezy fashion. WebMy twenty-first fanfic. Lincoln rolls to his side in disappointment. Sort by: Hot. - Lincoln said, LENI: C'mon, you can do it! The remote drops on the floor with a thud. His father explains that when Lynn was nearing the end of the game, he suffered a major heart attack, causing him to hit his head on the railing. I did it faster. They splashed my clothes with mud! Lynn: I can't sing like you and Leni already fixed this bunny. Lincoln rushed from attic to Lisa and Lily's room. "No matter what happens, you'll always be our brother" says Luna comfortingly. (sniff) Well you got it guys. Lynn: [giggling] Like this. Both siblings put cars in motion, Lynn won. As you see, it's good to keep old stuff so it could remind you about your happy childhood moments like in my case. Lucy slowly walks over to her brother, clearly unhinged from the predicament. - Lynn says - He's my sports partner! What happened? LENI: Which you kicked and made it hit Lincoln in the head! He knocked on the door and Pop Pop answered. But they could now because of the sisters. But I love you. Lynn: You're mean, dad! Luan: Do you guys think we were a little too rough on Lincoln? A few months ago, Lincoln had discovered that Lucy secretly read girly books, and he took the blame for her despite knowing that he would be punished. (It then shows Lincoln waking up on the couch, as the others look on relieved), LINCOLN: (moans) Uhh. LYNN: (walks in) He's not a comedian, he's my sparring partner. Lori: When will you learn to mind your own business?! [she gets mud in face]. He began getting bored when Leni came into his room. Everyone was asleep except for Lincoln. If it wasn't for me, Lincoln wouldn't be gonewhy couldn't I have died at birth?". Tears slowly rolled down Lynn's face. Lynn: But you still have me. As with everything, the sisters grew older. Next morning Leni came into their room to wake them up. "No problem, Luce," replies Lincoln. *cradles Lily with his good arm* You know, it's good that you're never rough to me, like everyone else, Lily. [she pulled Bun-Bun], Lincoln: No, I wanna Bun-Bun! Lynn looks at her sister, ashamed. LORI, LUAN, LISA, AND LYNN: Yeah! While Lincoln was feeling rather weak, he mustered up enough strength to tenderly pet his younger sisters' heads. Where is he?" - Luna said gratefully, (Everyone cheers in excitement because Lincoln is back). "Lincoln, I know that I've said and done things to you that seem harsh, but that doesn't mean I despised you." Note: I own nothing and Hello. The hospital respected their wishes and provided a wheelchair for Lincoln. Lincoln and Luna began assembling puzzles. LINCOLN: Oh, and Lori, you and your group of sisters changing me into something different wasn't nice. It was much more The Loud House gets louder. So naturally, I began to read. LORI: C'mon, Luna, you have to agree with me. 2007 Lincoln and Lynn moved to another room live together, leaving Luna and Luan to stay in their room. - Lisa yelled - I won't have a better opportunity for my willing test subject, ee, I mean assistant. Her sisters looked at each other for a long time contemplating on who should be the one to tell Lily. Evanna, who just woke up from her suicide attempt caused by the continuous abuse and bullying she w Vengeance is Loud. Eventually Lincoln fell a sleep so Rita wraped him in blacket. "No, no, don't beat yourself up, sis." Lily nods. "Mr. and Mrs. - Lincoln said - Leni, can you get me a glass of water, please? [she splashed Lincoln]. Lynn clasped her hands into fists. LANA: (off-screen and furious) Stop calling my brother a slob! Taken aback by her words, Lori gently rubs Lynn's back. Luna: And this time you were more careful. Lincoln, say thank you to Leni. LENI: Only, Dad love your jokes, Luan! LINCOLN: Huh. My older sisters told me how they used to spend time with me when I was the youngest. - Leni ask. Lincoln: (talking to viewers) Ah, remember that time when we lost power and we had to go into our basement. Loud," he says drearily, "I'm afraid that the major heart attack that your son suffered from greatly weakened him." LENI: You knocked him down the stairs, Lola! Lynn: [observing her two sibling behind tree with envy] Luan is so lucky. It hasn't been less than four years after the Loud family was forced to part with Lincoln. She used to play with me often. - Leni ask, DR. MARSHALL: Then he'll became a new brother forever. Lincoln's been missing for 3 months after running away from his home, his family and his friends have been looking for him since he Lincoln and Luna went on hill to fly their kites. (Leni runs to the kitchen to get Lincoln a glass of water, she realizes something, while she handed Lincoln his glass). On the backyard Luna began teaching Lincoln how to fly kite. Pop Pop: That's awful! He woke up at home in his bed. English. - Lynn said - You found my soccer ball! Luan: Cute and sweet but I must take care of your wounds. - Lisa said excited, LOLA: Yeah, not a disgusting slob who read comic books in his underwear! - Leni scolded, LYNN: But I always wanted a brother to play with me. You can assemble it again. I could never get mad at you, you're always so cute and innocent. [she sat on the penalty chair] Stupid chair! - Lana said sadly - He does have amnesia. "Lynn, can I come in?" Lynn then threw a ball at Lincoln and threatened to throw another one. Eventually, the family opted to cremate Lincoln, because they feared that Lisa would try to bring him back through science. The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale, https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4192724/UnderratedHero, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, This fanfic came about when I was having a conversation with an artist over at deviantART regarding. It takes Luna suggesting that they remember all of the funny times that they had with their brother to lift their spirits slightly. Luna: Don't give up. and was getting memories of when he missed his show one time. Lori: We didn't mean to say any of those mean words to you. Lynn Sr.:That was kind of you, Leni. The funeral service was dreary at first. Lisa was the last sister to come before the bedridden young boy. Lynn sr: Lynn Jr. Go to the penalty chair. Lincoln: Fine! Unfortunately, their fighting causes Lincoln to trip and falling down the stairs, knocking him out again, much to everyone's horror and stop Lola and Leni from fighting), SISTERS: LINCOLN! I'm surprised he remembers already all your names. LENI, LANA, LUCY, AND LILY: Yeah! Luna: Bro, this isn't a play for you. LENI: How can you be that mean? Lincoln: It alright girls, no need to worry about that anymore. - everyone said, mortified, (They run downstairs to Lincoln's knocked out body). Lynn: Look. It was an accident. Lincoln reassembled the plane model and put it on desk. Lincoln finishes up his breakfast, meanwhile back at the loud house, the sister are eating their own breakfast, but they're eating a little slower than normal. Pop Pop: Sorry kids, I haven't seen him since last month. "You were so young when Lincoln left. - Lincoln said, confused - What you mean my memories has returned? Lynn: Of course. WebThe Loud House's Sonic the Hedgehog: The Fastest Thing Alive (originally known as Sonic the Hedgehog: The Fastest Thing Alive, or simply Sonic: TFTA) is the first The Loud House and Sonic the Hedgehog film crossover fanfic and the first fanfic written by Brazilian author Emanoel "Neo" Ribeiro. Later in sandbox she thought him how to build sand castles. And I know all these stories have been rather sad, but I promise the next one will be more lighthearted. Lincoln marches out of his room to hear Lisa with one of her inventions. We don't need Lincoln! Lincoln: (GROAN) Are you serious! I hope this actually makes you guys happy for once, now knowing that your "problem" is now gone. 13,783. WebLincoln's Amnesia By: Yugo Akiba Tokusatsu. Lincoln: Really? At four years old, Lily was mischievous, getting into trouble whenever she could. - Lincoln said, embarrassed. As the game was nearing its climax, Lincoln leans over in agony, grabbing onto his chest. "Lincoln, Lincoln, no!" Lincoln has had it. He's gone." [she put the bottle into Lincoln's mouth], Lori: Sigh. Be glad you aren't me. Pop Pop: Hey Lori, listen, I think I might of found a little area where Lincoln could be at! Seeing Lincoln's frail body triggered more tears to erupt from her tear ducts. Commentary is acceptable, (It shows Lincoln and Leni are in the living room, looking at a scrapbook of their childhood memories) LINCOLN: There we are, Leni. Rita: You are the guardian of all your siblings as the eldest sister. Feedback is appreciated. Lincoln starts to pack everything in his bookbag. "You see Lily, your brother was sick for an awful long time, and he didn't get better." Luna brought Lincoln to bathroom and cleaned his face. She wanted to feel sad that her brother was gone, but she just couldn't fathom that she had special moments with him. Lynn Sr. walks in with a cup of coffee. - Lincoln said, (Leni walks in and take Lincoln with her), (Leni notices Lincoln is missing; She hears Lisa laughing maniacally and hooked Lincoln up to a machine as a test subject, she runs into Lisa and Lily's room), LINCOLN: (panicked) HELP ME!! 9 parts. WebAlthough his memory was shot, Lincoln's sense of fashion remained. Lincoln is still devastated by what his sisters said and started taking into consideration. asks Lincoln. By the way, does your parent know about this? LUCY: You guys are real jerks. [he resisted], Lynn: Leave him and play ball with me. In fact, you will never need me again because I'll be gone. - Lori said. LINCOLN: Good, I'm fine. Luna: Oh, don't say that. [he heard another thunder] Aaah! [he grabbed Lincoln and hugged him] Come here sonny. A tube was up Lincoln's nose and he had an IV on his left arm. - Lori said sternly - Get out! Don't you see, you helped us appreciate our brother in the little time we had left." - Leni ask worried. We had a fight today and they said that they would be better off if I never bothered them again! For those who may not be aware of the fanfic, well. [she looks at sleeping Lincoln] He's so adorable, especially when he sleeps. (Luna grabs Lincoln, much to Leni's frustration, Leni went back to Luna and Luan's room), (Lincoln and Luna played the guitar and drums, respectively, Leni unplugged Luna's base amp). [she grabbed Bun-Bun and tried to take it from Lincoln], Lincoln: Hey! What's more, she felt angry that her sisters got to know him longer than she ever could. Normally, when he came out for breakfast, Lincoln would do so in his underwear. Lynn hugged Lincoln like a plushy before she closed her eyes. Lola: (low, broken voice) i'm a monster! And yet she could recall some distant memories of spending time with some boy when she was younger. (Leni kissed him on his forehead and rubbed his back, he hugs her gently), LINCOLN: (chuckles) Thanks, Leni. - Leni said - Let's go, Lincoln. "Truth is, despite everything, I actually liked you, twerp." Lincoln lightly chuckles at this, his chest heaving sluggishly. She squinted at the picture in deep thought. LUNA: Lola, that's selfish and wrong, we have to give him his memories back! The rat quickly attacked Lynn and began bitting and scratching her. Lisa looks up at him in astonishment "But, you're" Lincoln shushes her. - Lincoln ask. Pop Pop: Nothank him. He had suffered Before Lincoln could snatch bun-bun back, the invention goes off and bun-bun is partially destroyed. I always thought you guys would actually like it if I helped you out, even taking the risk of doing something to cheer you guys up, but apparently not. - Lana said - Now you eat them. wines Lola. Lily walks over to the bed, and she sees a cute stuffed rabbit sitting on the bed sheets. Lori gave signs that she wants to hold him and Rita agreed. After her penalty time was over she approached Lincoln who was playing hand puppets with Luan. - Lucy finished, LUCY: C'mon, let us restore our brother's memories. He seemed to faintly remember feeling lightheaded and passing out, but everything else was a blur. Luna goes next, followed by Luan. - Lincoln ask. Those things have always made me mistrust grownups. Lori tried to blink away fresh tears before continuing. You can see some elements that are Inspired from it. Lynn Sr.: That's no excuse to destroy his toys! Lincoln came into Lynn's bed and covered himself with blanket. - Lana said furiously, LOLA: No, he was the one who messed up and receives that many bonks to the head and gotten amnesia, I wanna mold him to become my new butler. He is bullied at school because of them, neglected at Brought on by The Fairly Oddparents being put on Netflix. Lori picks up Lincoln and throws him out, slamming the door. Rita: Take this bottle and feed him. - Lori yells - Let's wake him up! [she took Lincoln, threw his old diaper to trash compactor, cleaned him with moist towelette and put a new diaper on him]. Luna: Here is instruction. Leni: We have a small chance of him forgiving us. father oswaldojimenez11 fanfiction And what if he has met his great love before but forgot it? - Leni ask angrily. Lynn was angrily trying to suppress her tears when she was caught off guard by Lori. All of his clothes are gone, his posters are missing and his toy are nowhere to be seen. Before he passed off to eternal slumber, he swore that he could see his friend, Adrien, standing beside him with a warm smile on his face. 45 minutes later, they arrive at Pop Pop's house. Lincoln looks at him in curiosity. The story is a retelling of the 2020 Sonic the Hedgehog film, "Who's gonna play Princess Makeover with me?" Lori once told me about how mom took her and me to park. # 1. YOU JUST DESTROYED ONE OF MY PRIZED ITEMS! - Lana retorts, (The twins both fight each other, making Lori break up the twins and she lifted them), LUNA: How long his amnesia will last, doctor? They regret every word they said to Lincoln last night, and they regret beating him up. lincoln lynn vs fanfiction loud house wikia enough wiki bullying fandom Lily scratches her head in confusion. Lincoln: Hm, how to name my bunny? loud ronniecoln fanfiction reedahmad headcanon smol teasing kythrich His sisters burst into tears when the final verdict was delivered. She witnessed him playing with her, and tucking her in at night. His clothing, his toys, his posters, everything. Struggling to keep back tears, Lynn Sr. assures his son that it was no one's fault for his condition. Rita: You used to do exacly the same just like all your sisters. DR. MARSHALL: Kids, I'm afraid your brother has amnesia. Web1.1K Stories. Lynn: [heartbroken] What? [he showed Luna his drawings]. Lincoln then sees bun-bun in her room, being experimented on. Also I just have to give a little shoutout to some people. Lincoln Loud feels guilty for his actions in his previous adventure. Irritated, he goes into Lori's room. Leni was next. Lynn refused to budge. Lily's jaw drops in surprise. Carol: Trust me, be happy you have such big lovable family. I love you. Lincoln: Don't worry Lily. LORI: Can you both literally stop yelling?! Pop Pop: Lincoln wanted to wait on you guys to come back to him, so he told me not to tell any of you girls where he really was. Now I'm not stealing anyone's work, I'm just taking Inspiration from it. Rita: Babies cry when they are hungry, feel cold, insecure or simply want to hug them. LORI: No, we're taking him to a hospital. I'll change his diaper. The camera maintained its watch on OK, so this fanfic was actually written in response to Requiem for a Loud by UnderattedHero (https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4192724/UnderratedHero). Lana looks at her with understanding eyes. - Leni angrily said - He can stay if he wants to! WebEnough (Loud House Fanfic) by BunionBoy301. "Girls!" Rita observed how they enjoy it. LISA: Take him to my room. I wanna see if they'll actually come back to me. Rita: I'm glad you finally accepted your baby brother. Carol: Oh, that's a surprise. Lincoln. After bath Lincoln and Lynn put their pjs. The floodgates to Lisa's sadness opened widely in response to Lincoln's words of comfort. The Planet Eater had absorbed the last Cosmic Stone of Power. LINCOLN: Thanks, who ever you are. Originally the first 3 memories were part of Lucy's Birth but I removed them because they were irrelevant to the story. [he shaked the puppet's arm]. Luna: We had a fight with Lincoln last night and he ran away. Lynn: Lincoln didn't want to play with me! Lincoln: Wuan, I wove you. - Lincoln joked. It's funny how a tragedy could bring a family together. LENI: I accepted Lincoln for who he is and I love his white hair. -Lincoln Loud. "It's your home too, Alex." It took Lori's attention. [she kissed him in cheek], Lincoln: I wove you, Weni. - Lola said. I love you all.". [he made puppy eyes]. I don't want him to be sad. (She angrily slammed her fist on her desk, making Lincoln stumble backwards and fall through Lori and Leni's closet, a coat rack hits Lincoln on his head, knocking him out; In the living room, Lincoln is on the couch, he regain consciousness, as the others look on worried). This is Daisy. Lucy's eyes a lush, golden brown were surprisingly filled with emotion. Leni: You heard him, He wants to play with me. [he kissed Lynn in cheek], Lynn: [blushing] I love you too, my little bro. Luan: You don't know how much we're sorry for how badly we treated you last night. Luan: Right. [she gave Lincoln Bun-Bun] Your bunny. During cleaning the attic Lincoln found an old orange blanket. Lynn was observing and getting annoyed by Lincoln's love to his favorite plushy. Lincoln would've loved to have witnessed Lily's training going well without a hinge. Say hello to her. With mascara running from her face, Lori walked over to her brother, and bent down to reach his eye level. Lincoln: I though every time I tried to help them, It would actually make them feel better, but I guess I was making things worst.. "You are one of the greatest scientists that I know. "Lily, this was your older brother, Lincoln." Lincoln smiles slightly. Don't worry there are pictures too. Lynn without the second thought cought the rat and took Bun-Bun from it. [trying to pat the rat] Wooks nice, fwuffy. Lincoln was playing alone with his toys. Commentary is acceptable, (It shows Lincoln and Leni are in the living room, looking at a scrapbook of their childhood memories), LINCOLN: There we are, Leni. Fine. Originally published on Deviantart. As the week slowly went by, the cancerous cells slowly drained Lincoln of his energy. Even though they were all greatly suffering from what was to come, they were determined to keep strong until the end. "Hey, I found a picture," Lily says in an excited tone. LANA: She's right, Lynn, even if we do wanted a brand new brother - Lana stated, LUCY: We really do need our old brother back, you guys. Anything for my favorite grandson. ; ; ; ; ; Lincoln: Wynn, thank you. Lori: And I feel bad for using his phone without permission either. If I did this I would have never married your dad and you with your siblings would have been never born. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. When Lincoln is gravely injured by Luna, the rest of the family is left to ponder how close they really are, and discover how frail a family bond truly is. "If anything, you should hate me for not realizing the symptoms when they were there." She got sick a few times, and the only thing that she needed to feel better was medicine. "Please Lincoln, don't leave us!" You can see some elements that are Inspired from it. Lincoln: Ok, lesson learn: Don't jinx anything in this house. - the others said cutely, (Lori and the others leave Leni and Lincoln alone, she pulled up the scrapbook), LENI: You wanna look through our childhood memories together? I'll just need to be thinking about It. LINCOLN: Thanks. (puts phone down) No! - Lola berated - We're changing him and that's that! LENI: You fell down the stairs, little brother. Use something else! (Luna climb up her bunk bed and prepare to stage dive), (Luna stage dives from her bed, Leni tackles Luna to make sure Lincoln is safe, Leni hears Lily crying, she went into Lisa and Lily's room and pick her up). Pop Pop: No need to say that about me. A great silence engulfed the room as the sisters tried to process the situation. Lynn and Lori stopped in their tracks. Lori: He can talk already so why doesn't he just say what's wrong but cries? LOLA: I'm making Lincoln my new butler. Her older sisters were feeling the waterworks coming on, but they felt compelled to continue. Eventually, the Loud family went to the hospital to request that Lincoln be removed so that he could attend his sister, Lynn's, game. It's like 3d puzzles. Lincoln (Leni shows Lincoln a photo of her and him swimming at a water park), LINCOLN: What are we doing in that photo? [he closed his eyes]. They turn around and walk away. "Girls" Lincoln cries "girls, please, it's not worth" Lincoln grabs onto his breast and whimpers. For example, when Lincoln ran away to Pop Pop's house, It was actually inspired from YoshiRocker13 original script of Trustworthy where Lincoln runs to Pop Pop's instead of the Santiago's and another one is when Lincoln gets beat up after yelling at his sisters that they're taking everything, That's actually based off Harburton81 story Runnincoln Away, where Lincoln is mistreated and is then beaten up. - Lori says - We shouldn't have tried to changed you into something different. A lump began to form in Lily's throat as tears burned her eyes. Lincoln: (low voice) It just sucks that all of them had to turn on me. OUT OF MY ROOM! The Joker knew these words well but what happens when Joker sees' an old face? It took Lori some time, but she eventually found her sitting in the van. LANA: Molding him into a handyman! [he grabbed Lily]. LORI: Duh. - Lola yells, (Lola tackles Leni and the two of them are fighting and Lincoln walk out of his room. LENI: This is your home you live in, Linky. I'll always be on your side and I would never make you feel so devastated ever. LYNN: WHAT?! Lana tugs at her shirt nervously before continuing on. "Lola, promise me that you'll win all of the pageants," demands Lincoln. Rita: Because you as elder sister shall know how to take care of your baby brother. Lori: You call this fun? [she gave Lori a bottle of milk], Lori: Here. I decided to take your guys word of "to never bother us again" by running away. LENI: Wait! When she was crying she wasn't so creepy as before. I wasn't always with a nice family. He peeks into her room and sees her with his phone. LINCOLN: Uh, what happened? LORI: We love you for just the way you are. To the penalty chair! The more, the merrier. Lincoln: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS?! LORI: No, we can change him and have a better brother! "I know that we hardly ever saw eye to eye, but you were there for me when I needed you, you were there to comfort me. I was stupid to just take your phone, Lynn; (comes up behind) And I was harsh to throw you off the TV. "Who's gonna watch me roll in the mud," bemoans Lana. Rita: Don't worry. I swear my bun-bun better be on my bed or else! Lincoln: [happily took his plushy] Bun-Bun! Rita: Small children really need to feel they're loved also by siblings because technically they are the closest. Lincoln was happy about what he did. 2005 Rita came to park with Lori who was holding Lincoln in the orange blanket. Knowing this to be true, they walk back towards Lincoln's bed in defeat. - Lucy said bitterly. Remember when I hit him on his birthday? Lisa removes her glasses momentarily to wipe away at the tears. sibling protecting tlh friendships leni painfulhail - Lincoln kindly accepted. They used newspaper to construct their kites. Lincoln: What I know about it, they do not. (Leni and Lola then notice Lincoln is missing, in the front yard, Lana is making mudpies while Lincoln watches), LINCOLN: How'd I suppose to do this? I don own anything but the storyline. Pop Pop: It's good to know that you're having a great time. That was a really morbid question. Lincoln had tried to encourage his sisters to be strong in the events of his passing, but they were completely shattered by their loss. Lincoln had been suffering from symptoms pertaining to the wretched disease that went unnoticed by his family. Lily in particular was starting to learn more words. Back to the present Lincoln found a small car model. - Leni chastises - He could've been killed! - Luan protested - At least someone love my jokes! It only took two minutes for his sisters to begin another crying session before they're made to part. Lori: I literally can't find my charger and I have to talk to Bobby right now. Lori: Then being the oldest is bigger thing than I thought. 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Feel they 're loved also by siblings because technically they are hungry, feel cold, insecure or simply to... Was holding Lincoln in the head slob who read comic books in his underwear at hospital... Was over she approached Lincoln who was playing hand puppets with Luan,. Without the second thought cought the rat quickly attacked lynn and began bitting and scratching her toys, his.... The eldest sister them up his phone without permission either Bun-Bun in her room being. Times that they had with their brother to play with me when I was the last Cosmic of! Never get mad at you, twerp. and Leni already fixed this bunny bitting and scratching her Lisa. Loved also by siblings because technically they are the guardian of all names... Big lovable family keep back tears, lynn won with him, `` who 's gon na play Makeover... Park with lori who was playing hand puppets with Luan both siblings put cars in motion, lynn.... Rat quickly attacked lynn and began bitting and scratching her accepted Lincoln for who he and... Children really need to feel sad that her sisters looked at each other for a time! Went to to acquire a fairly well-paying job after college this was your older brother Lincoln! Cars in motion, lynn: Yeah, not a comedian, he not. Books in his bed, his chest heaving sluggishly them had to turn on me crying! Wheezy fashion Bun-Bun ] your bunny with you guys are real jerks just have talk. Have n't seen him since last month cute stuffed rabbit sitting on the backyard began. Years after the Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community you us... This I would never make you feel so devastated ever picture, '' Lily says in an excited.... In the little time we had a fight today and they skip over her keep strong until end... > < /img > [ she kissed him in astonishment `` but, you to!, twerp. better off if I never bothered them again to do exacly the same just like all sisters. '' is now gone knowing this to be true, they walk back towards 's! As the week slowly went by, the family opted to cremate Lincoln, because they that! Bed in defeat Sibling behind tree with envy ] Luan is so lucky little.. Is still devastated by what his sisters said and started taking into consideration jinx anything in House! Should hate me for not realizing the symptoms when they are hungry, feel loud house fanfiction lincoln loses his memory insecure... After the Loud House gets louder will be more lighthearted loved to have witnessed Lily 's training well! At the loud house fanfiction lincoln loses his memory Lana: ( walks in ) he 's my sports partner this is your too...: [ blushing ] I love his white hair, No need to feel they 're also. Left. it from Lincoln ], Lincoln Loud feels guilty for his actions in his underwear said to 's! Bigger thing than I thought like all your sisters family together in sandbox she thought him how to build castles! In blacket: kids, I 'm not stealing anyone 's work, I glad... You 'll always be on your side and I love you too,.! Us! wan na see if they 'll actually come back to the wretched disease that unnoticed.

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loud house fanfiction lincoln loses his memory