We therefore conclude that people are better off in terms of these two environmental qualities after moving from the institution to a CLA. (1969). If the salaries and fringe benefit levels of direct service staff positions in the Pennhurst residential programs were reduced to the salary and fringe benefit levels of the same positions in the community residential programs, the mean resident per them at Pennhurst would have been reduced by more than 9% from $128.08 to $116.22. The measurement that we chose was waiting lists for CLAs in 1977-1978 and 1983-1984. On a scale of I to 4, families averaged 2.8 both before and after relocation. This category includes planning, coordination, quality assurance and enhancement activities. Resettling mentally retarded adults in the community -- almost 4 years later American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 83, 323-329. Placement of the mentally retarded relative into an institution outside the home. The types of programs costed include residential, adult day (i.e., sheltered workshops, work activity centers, pre-vocational and adult day care), case management services, and specialized support services (specifically behavioral therapy, speech and hearing, and occupational therapy). In general, the problems and stresses in the system reported both by in-region and out-of-region interviewees have to do with a variety of ancillary services. Moreover, a family's opinion in this area was not related to the relative's adaptive behavior, IQ, or level of retardation. ____________________________ 18. Thus, a reasonably large array of research in many states shows that most families oppose community placement of their institutionalized relatives. Each of the counties encompasses suburban communities whose residents commute to center city Philadelphia to work. Recent federal funding initiatives for community programs have not yet been tested fully (Braddock, Howes, & Hemp, 1984). Family attitudes toward deinstitutionalization. (1976). Is there anything else youd like to tell me? We also found that opposition to the CLA idea was not related to the relative's level of retardation. The first, and perhaps most important, has to do with quality assurance and monitoring. That does not mean that a relationship does not exist, and we hope that others will investigate this issue in a rigorous scientific manner. c. on a monthly basis? Altogether, these three variables explained 12.2% of the variation in our measure of attitudes toward people with mental retardation. It should also be noted that the Southeast and Central Regions lost population (1% and 2% decreases respectively) during this period which may explain the high per capita allocation compared to the lower per client served ratio. True False No Idea, Dont Know a. In the first part of this chapter, we describe the methods and results of our investigation of differences between Pennhurst and the CLAs in terms of normalization and individualization. Exhibit 10-1 shows the changes in the amount of money the state allocated to the four regions between fiscal year 1980-1981 and 1983-84. Are the parents automatically to be accorded the status of legal guardian? Approximately one per week5. The average response "when first learned about CLA" was 3.09, and the average "now" was 3.64 (t=5.28, (132), pEXHIBIT 8-4. Accept per day, per week, per month, per year. The families in the Baseline Study also believed their relatives had serious medical needs (although this belief was not confirmed by comparison to reports from Pennhurst staff). Specifically, the state's plans for the conversion and development of small ICF/MRs were delayed and constrained by complexities in the federal regulations. Counts two objects by saying one. Plaintiff class members included persons at the Pennhurst Center or on the Pennhurst waiting list at the time the lawsuit was brought to the Center, and all those persons at risk of being admitted to the Center. Wolfensberger, W., & Glenn, L. (1975). It seems that, to alleviate their own guilt, they have become a doting family. Baker, B.L., Seltzer, G.B., & Seltzer, M.M. 26-309. Manufacturing employs about 62,000 workers or 38% of the total workforce. Most of those contacted during the latest round of key informant interviews agreed that the move by the Department of Public Welfare to take advantage of the waiver was in large part because of the pressure for placements under the Judge's order. 3.7 4.5 0.111 (0.139) Q11B you feel about the staff? The Department of Public Welfare manages the human services system through a complex organizational system that includes regional offices, county welfare departments, and county mental health and mental retardation programs throughout the state. Change in Relatives General Happiness Pre(Expected) Post(Actual) Much Better1. Moreover, one must be open to the possibility that the amount of time spent by staff in service to clients may be more a function of dynamic factors such as program leadership, staff training, and the proclivities of individual staff than a function of either the types of clients served or the organizational structure. Marlowe, M. (1979). Neighbors do seem to become more favorable over time, and, as previously noted, attitudes cannot improve if the CLA never opens. Matched people still living at Pennhurst did not show significant improvements. (The two areas in which changes were not significant were "Your spouse's job" and "Your time with your children living at home.") They admitted that they would be bothered a lot more by people with mental illness or severe mental retardation. PRICE TOTAL Name______________________________________ _________ _________ ______ ______ Organization_________________________________ _________ _________ ______ ______ Address____________________________________ _________ _________ ______ ______ ___________________________________________ _________ _________ ______ ______ City________________________ State___________ _________ _________ ______ ______ Zip Code___________________ _________ _________ ______ ______ _________ _________ ______ ______ TOTAL ENCLOSED = $_____________ HUMAN SERVICES RESEARCH INSTITUTE CODE NO. We cannot, of course, be sure that either of these phenomena was caused directly by the court order. What Has Happened to the Service System? Surveying mentally retarded persons: responsiveness and response validity in three samples. First, many counties did not keep waiting lists as early as 1977-1978 since the CLA program was still quite new. WebPennHurst, the legendary haunted hospital complex has opened its doors after 25 years and is accepting new patients! Of the 85,000 dwelling units in the county, 70% are owner-occupied. The first principle of our approach was that we should not do one environmental rating for the whole institution since there was likely to be considerable variation among living areas. After completing that design, however, the research team determined to interview the neighbors again about a year later. For each statement, please tell me whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree not disagree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree. The largest industries are transportation equipment, non-electrical machinery, and petroleum refining. not at all sure?9. _______ 1. In the initial few years, there was a great deal of concern expressed regarding provider capacity both by providers themselves and county staff. One has to accept the possibility that the way programs are designed may be less a matter of the type of client to be served and more a matter of what is in the mind's eye of program officials. If your relative were to leave Pennhurst, which of the following kinds of services do you think will be more important? Haunt remains open past ticket hours! _______ Yes No Is there anything else youd like to tell me about living here? Fringe benefits including paid absenc6s in community programs amounted to only 36.1% of base salaries, less than half the rate of Pennhurst employees. blue card Medicaid (M.A.) The incidence of self-abuse has decreased appreciably, and when Joan does slap herself it is never around her eye area. Issues to be dealt with include the participation of mental retardation officials in the certification of community programs for Title XIX, input into the rate-setting process, availability of responsive day programs, use of state construction funding, state supplementation of SSI benefits, and use of social services block grant funding. _______, 1. Research on the vocational habilitation of the retarded: The present, the future. Rosenberg, N.S. Don't Know9. _______, Do you like the people who work here? The litigation does not appear to have constrained deinstitutionalization in other parts of the state. (1976). These individuals pointed to the provisions of the Mental Health and Mental Retardation Act of 1966 and noted that such functions were left primarily to the counties to perform. 16.3% 19.7% 11.1% 15.6% 37.3% 24. Survey results show that the families also perceive their relatives to be much happier after the move. The reasons cited include the counties' weakened bargaining position with providers in contract negotiations because of the court pressure for placement. In related work, Birenbaum & Seiffer (1976) and Birenbaum & Re (1979) followed and interviewed adults for four years, and utilized a standardized questionnaire, but again the study began only after placement into community settings. Finally, staff reviewed materials from the two comparison states and other states facing similar court mandates including Minnesota, Nebraska, New York, Massachusetts, and the District of Columbia. Do you want to keep on living here? The general feeling was that the relatives had shown progress toward development of skills for independent living. Twenty clients were observed through this process. ", the responses were as follows: Thus, 72% of the families of the people still living at Pennhurst in 1980 would have disagreed with any proposal for community placement of their relatives. have you never married? 22.5% 57.0% 4.2% 11.9% 1.0% 3.5% 37. Thus, though one can argue that the litigation has had an impact on the state's utilization of alternative funding mechanisms, the ability of the state to carry out its initiatives has arguably been constrained by another actor technically outside of the litigation -- the federal government. About once a month1. For people with mild mental retardation, respondents reported that they would be "bothered" very little, and they expected no major impacts on property values. The Southeast Region includes a total of 42 community living arrangement providers authorized to serve 820 mentally retarded individuals in small group residences. What Has Happened to State Policy? CHAPTER 10: FINAL IMPLEMENTATION ANALYSIS Overview The following discussion represents the last in a series of analyses of the implementation of the Halderman v. Pennhurst (1977) litigation in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. No8. If the defendants' perception of the lawyers themselves are taken into account, then this factor plus the strategies employed tended to create the opinion among the defendants in Pennsylvania that the plaintiffs' lawyers were implacable. Surprisingly, differences in the average salaries paid to residential program workers and supervisors bore no significant relationship to the program cost per client day. Comparable to "due process" hearings required by laws governing education of children with handicaps, such hearings should be prepared to deal especially with concerns about medical care, the possibility of continued growth and development, and security and permanence of any residential placement. . ), Litigation and the Mentally Disabled. Administrative personnel have been cut back. The questionnaire is in Appendix 8-1 In order to provide a sensitive and reliable measure of general attitudes toward people with mental retardation, a scale was constructed from questionnaire items (ATTSCALE). Summary of Movers Reliably Expressed Satisfaction Before and After CLA Placement Before After Change Satisfaction with Living Arrangement (Q1 and Q7B) Satisfied 40% 73% +33% Dissatisfied 3% 0% -3% Desire to Move (Q3 and Q16) Satisfied 43 63 +20 Dissatisfied 17 7 -10 General Happiness (QB and Q15) Satisfied 67 67 0 Dissatisfied 3 0 -3 Satisfaction with Staff (Q2 and Q7) Satisfied 60 80 +20 Dissatisfied 0 0 0 Satisfaction with Staff (Q2 and Q11B) Satisfied 53 63 +10 Dissatisfied 7 0 -7 Satisfaction with Day Program (Q13 and Q10B) Satisfied 53 53 0 Dissatisfied 0 7 +7 The figures in Exhibit 5-4 reflect only the consistent responses, and all the percentages are taken as fractions of the entire 30 people in the movers group. Institute for the Study of Developmental Disabilities. King, et al. Surveying parents of people in institutions in Connecticut, he found more than three fourths of them were convinced that the facilities delivered excellent care. Because the system was forced to cope, people learned early that very disabled individuals were appropriate for, and able to, benefit from less segregated and smaller settings. Stedman (1977) suggested that deinstitutionalization of a relative with mental retardation forces the family to question whether institutionalization had been appropriate in the first place. The states richest soil is found in and around Lancaster County (which adjoins Chester County to the west). In the areas of the relative's potential for growth and the perception of the relative's medical needs, however, the before-to-after changes are relatively small. Though the consent agreement narrows the definition of the class somewhat (i.e., by eliminating those who were on the waiting list for Pennhurst), it still maintains the Special Management Unit and other entities established to protect the rights of class members. In some counties, the amount of money saved by moving one client would in turn generate funds to cover the costs of community based clients who are also included in both the waiver applications and the Judge's January 14, 1983, Order. 1 2 3 4 5 (READ ALTERNATIVES) 17. This is an uncommon, but welcome, situation in social science. The purpose o the consultation was to reduce the ACMRDD standards to two subsets, focused on physical standards and program standards. Will not pay attention to purposeful activities for as long as five minutes PERSONAL BELONGINGS _______ 4. Our preliminary findings indicate that the degree of normalization of a community setting makes a difference, with people in more normalized settings making more progress. These people have become more able to do things for themselves rather than having things done for them. We commend the foresight of the initiators of the project and the dedication of those who completed it. Thus, even though the Secretary of Public Welfare was a defendant, the the Deputy Secretary of Medical Assistance was not and therefore appears to have felt free to follow his own organizational imperatives rather than those of the court. Behavior Modification -- To reduce maladaptive behavior. (a Yes-No question), and later in the interview we asked "Would you like to leave here and live somewhere else?" A lotCOMMENTS (Record Verbatim) Are you usually sad living here? The initial theory was that since the institution was to be closed in a relatively short period of time, the development of more elaborate improvements would not be necessary. Achieve mastery of specific academic skill(s) -- reading, writing, arithmetic, etc. Enter number 0 to 9. For all three unit cost measures, the community residential programs were found to have a wider range of costs that were lower on the average. Most observers agree that the hearings had a strong positive impact on the confidence and peace of mind of the families. With respect to federal funding, the litigation was only a partial stimulus to the development of small ICF/MRs in the community . The picture that emerges of the Southeast Region is relatively low institution use, very high PLF use, and moderate CLA use. The ruling reversed the Third Circuit's earlier ruling (which followed the Court's 1981 decision noted above) that affirmed the district court's decree in Pennhurst based on state law grounds alone. These questions enabled us to compare the attitudes of people toward real CLAs to attitudes toward imaginary CLAs. The three new instruments added approximately 1/2 hour to the review. Funding. Will pay attention to purposeful activities for at least ten minutes2. Before presenting our final recommendations, however, there is one general statement that should be made that grows out of both the quantitative and qualitative studies -- there is an overriding need for the development of a coherent policy on deinstitutionalization at the federal level. Scientific American, 238, 46-53. Judicial strategies employed by the federal judge in contested and uncontested cases -- This factor requires more exploration. On the other hand, to rent excess space, or to hire a full-time staff person where only a part-time staff person is required, leaves the program with excess capacity. Sixth, the data indicate that there may be no economic advantage associated with the specialization of labor in large institutions like Pennhurst. Lakin, C. (1978). I believe that my family will not have to assume added financial burdens for the care of our relative if (he/she) were to leave Pennhurst. Unfortunately for Pennsylvania, the pressure created by the litigation appears to carry very little weight with the Health Care Financing Administration which has still not approved the bulk of the waiver applications for the Southeast Region (Philadelphia was approved last May). In contrast, the respondents who were aware of real CLAs that had been in their neighborhoods for an average of 20 months were more definite; 26% expressed strong support. ______________ How many days in past 4 weeks has this person required hospital care (inpatient, outpatient, emergency room)? Between the 1978 baseline assessment and the data point in 1982, class members gained an average of 9.2 points in adaptive behavior and negligible amounts in maladaptive behavior. 6-105. This problem is reduced when many similar items are combined into a scale. Archives of General Psychiatry, 21, 39-45. The limited ability to predict program cost per client day based on these client variables may indicate that to some extent clients are fit to program models as much if not more than program models are fit to clients. In: N. Ellis & N. Bray (Eds. There are significant and positive changes in practically every item on our survey. Federal, state, and local officials, as well as advocates, providers, and families, are all interested in the question of whether litigation results in the creation of a privileged class of people who received special attention and resources. _______, COUNTY OF RESIDENCE (IF INSTITUTION, GIVE COUNTY OF ORIGIN) _______, VISION (Enter number) With glasses - - if used _______, 4. Use of money and purchasing09. These people find it difficult to function and take care of themselves on a day-to-day basis. Their ages ranged from nine to 82 years with an average of 39, and they had lived at Pennhurst for an average of 24 years. There are three different forms of local government in the five county area. These questions enabled us to compare the attitudes of people toward real CLAs to attitudes toward imaginary CLAs. However, as implementation of the decree proceeded, it became clear that the cooperation of a variety of other entities not named in the decree was crucial to the defendants' plans. In 1984, the community cohort had grown to almost 400 and the assessments that year showed an average gain of 11.5 points in adaptive behavior over 1978 and a 0.5 point gain in maladaptive behavior. Must be dressed completely SHOES (Check ALL statements that apply) _______ a. Remedies for past wrongs -- Litigation rectifies abuses suffered by class members by improving and altering the service context in which the class members reside and learn. Project Objectives Because this is the final year of the longitudinal study, the Implementation Analysis for Year 5 serves as a vehicle for summing up the overall impact of the litigation on various levels of the service system in the state. Even our normalization measure, which definitely should be independent of individual functional level, was not. Change for the Worse No Change Change for the Better Not Applicable 1 2 3 4 5 0 a. 14. What is the highest grade of school you have completed? Latib, A., Conroy, J., and Hess, C. (1984). This overall scale ranged from I (in favor of deinstitutionalization) to 5 (opposed). 3) Show the picture of the boy and the bicycle. Imagine that a group home was located in your neighborhood, thinking about your feelings, would you be: 5. strongly in favor,4. Has the Pennhurst litigation overextended the capacity of community services providers? This concept is one of the cornerstones of the new ideology in mental retardation services. Bradley, V.J., Allard, M.A., & Epstein, S. Implementation Analysis: Department of Public Welfare. In several cases that have come before the Hearing Master, Pennhurst class members have found their way into mental hospitals and, in at least one instance, given inappropriate levels and types of psychotropic medications. ____________________________ 18. Developmental progress in institutional and community settings. Some counties only include those individuals whose need for residential services constitutes an "emergency," whereas other counties include individuals whose need is likely to occur in the future. Neighbor Attitudes. (We must emphasize that this concern about reliability was only about our normalization measure as we applied it with single site reviewers -- our work did not use the full PASS-3 scale.) Refused 12. Discussion The central question of the Pennhurst Longitudinal Study for the Temple University part of the effort was "Are people better off?" Issues to be dealt with include the participation of mental retardation officials in the certification of community programs for Title XIX, input into the rate-setting process, availability of responsive day programs, use of state construction funding, state supplementation of SSI benefits, and use of social services block grant funding. (CHECK ONE) _______ Father 16.7% _______ Mother 47.0% _______ Other (PLEASE SPECIFY): _________________________ 36.3% (FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE, WE WILL REFER TO THE PENNHURST RESIDENT AS YOUR RELATIVE, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER [HE/SHE] IS YOUR CHILD, BROTHER, SISTER, ETC. Because of its wide use, prior findings, and the theoretical importance of the RMS in comparing institutions to community settings, it was included. Makes change correctly but does not use banking facilities OR uses banking facilities but does not make change correctly3. The mean total caseload for each Pennhurst case manager (including persons residing in both community and institutional residences), was 30. References Aanes, D., & Moen, M. (1976). Judge David Bazelon (1972) (author of the landmark right to treatment decision, Rouse v. Cameron) made the following observation regarding the problems of implementation: I have become too sensitized to the many problems in the enforcement of such a right to remain silent. On the other hand, to rent excess space, or to hire a full-time staff person where only a part-time staff person is required, leaves the program with excess capacity. Clearly, the costs of providing emergency coverage for mentally retarded clients in the community is less than at the Pennhurst Center. Of the initial cohort at Pennhurst, 4% were mildly retarded, 10% moderately retarded, 30% severely retarded, and 56% profoundly retarded. They enjoyed the small family and home-like environment and individual attention. We expected, on the basis of prior literature, that the people with the most functional skills (especially verbal) would probably be among the first to move to CLAs. (CHECK ONE BOX FOR EACH QUESTION BELOW.) The January 14 order sets out an implementation schedule for the 18 month period ending on June 30, 1984. Cooperates when being washed and dried by others1. The Committee is comprised of national experts in the field of mental retardation, a representative of the national organization of state mental retardation commissioners, and others interested in the general area of litigation and deinstitutionalization.. The sample size was often less than 30 because not everyone answered every question; therefore we also ran the nonparametric Wilcoxon T tests. Evidence of the commitment can be seen in a $400,000 line item in the 1984-1985 state budget for quality assurance. The most significant problem appears to be the so-called "beneficiary of choice" issue which requires that each potential recipient of waiver services be given the option of rejecting the proposed placement. 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pennhurst asylum death records